Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hold On.

Lately, I've caught myself wondering just how much someone can take before they break into countless irreparable pieces. Obviously it's possible; I've seen and met so many people who feel like they just can't make it. They feel like prisoners in their own bodies, trapped in a cage that's darker than night. I've been with them as they've cried in pure agony at the life they live, unable to overcome the sadness. I've watched as they struggle to find the way out. Almost all of them have done something about it; whether that's been seeking help and guidance from friends, a church leader, a psychologist or medication...or tragically ending things all at once, too soon.

I've also met those who believe that they truly are living life, and desperately want to. They've climbed tall mountains, made several friends, lived in different places, experienced unique cultures... Some are just content with their life as it is -- simple as it is, but happy all the same. They are blissful. They are complete. They are glad to be living and breathing and surviving. But in the end, a higher being has bigger plans for them. Their eyes dim and their soul leaves. Just like that, too soon.

I've been the one to comfort the ones that are left behind. I can count the number of times nearly on one hand. I remember each situation like it was yesterday. In a couple cases, it was. I have seen the hope leave their eyes, so similar to the eyes of their deceased loved one. Only the eyes of the survivor shift from one thing to another, trying desperately to cling to something.

The words that always cross mind at one point or another when it happens?

God, it hurts.

Please, make it stop.

It's not fair.

There were so many times in this last month where I thought those words to myself. I studied for hours on end, only to fail in class. It's not fair. Work was exhausting, and the things that happened were hard to initially cope with. God, it hurts. I felt alone despite the fact that there were people I could talk to. One thing after another, and I thought toward the end of it all that I might be cursed to silently suffer forever. Please, make it stop.

But, if there's one thing I've learned through it all, it's that life was never meant to be fair. Pain will always exist. There will always be times where we want to escape, whether that be through the 'good' ways or 'bad' ones. We can change that, though. Human beings are a resilient species. The things we are capable of are absolutely incredible. The second I realized that I was stronger than the constant issues finding their way into my path, the problems seemed like nothing at all.

I'm extremely blessed to be living the life that I am; an almost nursing student, in love with music, her violin, reading and learning. I'm so incredibly fortunate to have the friends that I do. Especially my best friends. Without them...well, who knows where I would be right now. I am so grateful for the support that I am gifted with each day to remind me to push forward and keep being strong.

So yes, this last month sucked.
And yes, I struggled through it. Terribly.

But, I'm all the better for it. Things haven't completely looked up just yet, but they will.

They always do.

I understand, as should we all, that we will suffer as we walk through life. It will be difficult. There will always be times where we feel like it would be easier to throw in the towel and call it good. But, we are never alone. There are millions and billions of other people running, stumbling or walking with us.

Maybe it's time we made a bigger effort to reach out to each other. God knows it would help us all.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You Don't Know Me. Yet.

I am open.

I am non-judgemental.

I am hard working.

I am loving.

I worry too much.

I want to know about your life, because I care.

I'm tough.

I break, but only for a little while.

I can handle anything that's thrown at me.

I will be your best friend when everyone else disappears.

I will be the shoulder you can cry on.

I might give you advice on whim, whether you want to hear it or not.

I can't keep my mouth shut (or my thoughts secret).

I will make time for you, even when I don't have time for myself.

I won't hesitate to tell you what I think of you, or of a situation you're in.

I will accept you and support you no matter what.

Does that always mean that I agree with what you do?


I'll never judge you for it. Ever.

Does that mean I'll secretly hate you?

Of course not.

I will love you more for it.

I could be upset with you for things you've done. I could threaten and take away the friendship we have.

But would I ever do that?

You need to know that I wouldn't...

Because that's just not me.

So, stop assuming or thinking that you already know what I want.

If you really want to know what I think, or how I think, take the time to get to know me.

Understand what it's like to be a friend with me. Maybe then you'll see just how much I worry and care about the people I know. Every single one of them. Even the ones who I can't relate to. Even the ones I've just met.

Maybe then you'll know just how much things mean to me and what has made me the person I am today. Because, let me tell you, it wasn't easy. I suffered a lot, and I will suffer more. But in the end, I will be better for it. And who knows, maybe you will be too.

You don't know me. At least, not yet.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Endless Thinking.

Part 1: Life.
(Originally written April 5, 2010. Age 17.)

Life is horrible.

With each rising sun of the days we live new challenges come, new hardships meddle their way into every one of our lives.

Some trudge diligently through, while others easily give up. Those who keep pushing have the privilege of experiencing what true pain is, what sorrow and suffering feels like. Yet, they keep working to fix the challenge thrown at them. We keep moving. We keep pushing. We never stop. Well, most of us.

Then, as we begin to believe that we have solved the problem, that life will finally go on happier than ever before, it crashes once again. Only this time it's harder to crawl out of the pitch black hole, to bask in the light once more.

And the question is always there:

Why do we keep living?

Why do we allow ourselves to go through so much pain? Why do we get back up again when we fall? Doesn't it hurt enough? Haven't we been through enough?

We suffer so much in this life, we experience pain we don't want. We often see those around us suffering as well. There's only so much we can take.

But, we live for the moments that make our lives better. We live for our families, our friends. We live for moments where we are so happy, there are no words to explain. For moments that plaster permanent smiles to our faces and cause laughter to ring throughout a room. We live for times where tears of pure joy are shed in the awe of miracles.

...yet, my statement still stands all the same.

Life is Horrible.

But it's worth it.

Part 2: You.
(Written today. Age 21.)

Sometimes - not often - someone walks into life that just gets it.

In the massive sea of people that live on this planet, somehow we come across one - or many - of these incredible, breathtaking people.

The ones who inspire us to do better. To be better.

The ones who force us to question what it means to live and love and learn.

The ones who, amidst chaos and devastation, can find the light and share it.

Without any explanation or any hint of what you think, this person is on the same page while being on a different one altogether. It's like a superpower: they understand what life is about. And it's not necessarily what life is to everyone in general; it's what life means to them. They understand what it means to be truly happy, to walk through life bravely knowing who they are and what they want.

Sometimes, it terrifies the best of us because these people have something that few people actually achieve - they know what it means to be enlightened. They understand what it is to see life in a new perspective, in a better one. They know what it means to have suffered so greatly that nothing will ever feel the same again. But, they have chosen the higher road and learn from their situations.

I love these people. I love their untold stories, the way their eyes shine differently. I love the way they humbly walk through life, expecting nothing but giving everything. I admire the way they can take any situation and turn it into the sun - bright and warm. They give the rest of us that light we lack, but need so greatly.

So why don't we reach for it? Why aren't we running and jumping toward this light they offer? Why do we trap ourselves inside, pretending that other things are more important? It's so simple to obtain - just walk outside.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Pros & Cons.

At some point in life, I think all of us hit a wall. And we hit it hard.

It doesn't matter how much we try to avoid it; it's there. Even if we slow down to a near halt, the wall and us will inevitably collide.

I've hit that wall. I avoided it like the plague, yet I slammed full force into a harsh barrier of cold concrete. And when I did, I realized my life was headed toward the exact opposite of what I wanted.

There have been times where I felt that I had sacrificed everything that I was and aspired to be for the sake of others' happiness. I settled for things I didn't deserve. I crushed my self-esteem. Sometimes, yeah, I did make the other party happy. But at what cost? The worst part was that I didn't even notice--I just did it, no questions asked.

At some point, we all deserve to hit that wall. Why?

Because we are worth so much more than we know.

Today, though, I feel relieved. I feel happy to be alive and proud that I've taken steps to take control of my life.

I believe in myself.

I am looking forward to what the future holds for me.

I've changed. A lot, actually. But, I love myself so much more now than I did before. I have more confidence than I've ever had.

What's the lesson here?

Don't give up on yourself.

Good things will always come. Always. Even when it feels like there's absolutely no hope left anywhere you turn your eyes. Eventually, they'll find their way to you.

I promise.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thinking Out Loud.

I remember, quite vividly, the day someone told me I needed to stop looking for the good in people.

To this day, I don't understand why this individual felt the need to say that to me. Maybe, in some odd way, they were only trying to protect me. But, I more than likely will never know the intentions.

I personally love looking for the good in everyone. Even in the person who has openly embarrassed me, mocked me, or hurt me. I see potential where others might not. I believe in everyone I meet, even if they've proved me wrong a countless amount of times. I will trust again and again and again until my heart can't take it anymore, and even then, I still try my best to be civil and understanding of situations.

Honestly, I feel like this is what makes me so open minded when I meet new people; it's easy for me to be accepting. I would hate for someone to look at me, form a judgement and treat me poorly because of it. So, if I'm supposed to treat others how I'd like to be treated--if that's what makes a good person...

I don't want to walk through life skeptical of everyone and everything. I would rather go through life trusting, hoping, and encouraging those around me.

This is the way I live, and this is what makes me happy. 

I will always do what makes me happy.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

I Am Strong.

Isn't it amazing what our bodies can go through?

We can be perfectly healthy one day, and miserably sick the next. Our bodies can recover from broken bones, torn ligaments, cuts and bruises, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes....the list seems infinite. We can strengthen our bodies by feeding ourselves healthy foods and exercising, or we can slowly dig our graves by not eating enough or eating too much.

Our bodies are extraordinary things. Maybe we should learn to realize that more often.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reacting to You.

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa

Life doesn't give me lemons.

I make them.

We all do.

Life happens whether we want it to or not. The lemons come in when we make a problem out of it.

Admittedly (and unashamedly), I've given myself more lemons than deserved at times. But, you know what? I learned from it. I grew from it.

There were times that I used to call myself a victim. Not only did I suffer from it, but I caused a lot of people around me to feel miserable, too. Guess what? That was just one giant lemon I put in my way.

Plenty of times (past, present, and undoubtedly future) I have reacted irrationally to situations that were out of my control, and even to some that I had complete control over. More of those little yellows.

There have been words said and arguments fought that needed to occur for my progression. However, the lasting anger and grudge-holding was unnecessary and -- you guessed it, lemons. Lemons everywhere.

Then, I decided to let go. It's so much easier that way; those lemons that I created? Poof. Gone.

No more frustration, no more anger, no more sadness. Just love. Understanding. Hope that others can find a way to live happily, too.

Of course, I have to keep reminding myself to see it that way.

We all do.

In the end...

I am only a victim to myself. No one else.

It's not about you anyway.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Love My Dad.

There was a time that I felt too much anger, confusion and betrayal in my heart. I was upset with myself, not only because I knew I was giving up on important things, but because I didn't know who was making me feel so much anger and sadness in the center of my soul.

I distinctly remember days where I felt that it would be so much easier to just rip my heart out of my chest instead of keeping it alive inside me. I foolishly thought it might be better to watch it bleed and fall apart in front of me. Maybe then, the agonizing pain it felt from time to time would make sense.

I even wrote about it (curious?). Of course.

My soul was on its way to invisibility. I didn't think I'd ever experience that, especially at that age.

And, naturally, as a teenage girl thinking she knew everything because she thought she had met the boy of her dreams, I blamed my parents. But, more specifically, my Dad.

I thought that, because he so openly shared his advice and feelings of love and concern for me, he was only trying to destroy my (false) sense of happiness and security. I thought that because he would try to talk to me, and tell me that I deserved better, that he was only trying to make me miserable. I mistakenly blamed him and marked him as someone who wanted to tear apart my entire world only to make it worse.

I thought I had it all figured out; I had planned the rest of my life on something unstable.

Remembering it now, it seems like it happened such a long time ago. But, in reality, it wasn't too far back. 

My Dad, my sweet, loving Dad, who read my blog posts when the 'boy of my dreams' wouldn't, commented something that I will never forget:

"As I read this post I was filled with mixed emotions. I am extremely proud to have you as a daughter and am very grateful that Heavenly Father trusted your mother and I with your spirit. You are an amazing child with so much potential!!! The love that I have for you is endless and I hope that someday you will come to realize this. I know that at times I can seem unreasonable and harsh and I apologize for this. I only hope that someday you will understand what it means to be given the responsibility to raise a child of God. It brings unexplainable joy and heart stabbing pain as you realize that you are losing control and having to turn it over to your child. How dare your children grow up and think they don't need your guidance anymore! I love you with all of my heart and only want what is best for you. I don't want you to get blinded by tunnel vision as you go on with your life. Please don't be afraid to come to me or your mom with anything that you need guidance with and we will do whatever we prayerfully feel is the right thing to do, even if it is not what you think you need to hear! I can tell when things are going good or bad for you and can't stand to see you hurting!

I love you and always will!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you my wonderful, amazing, loving, role model of a father. Even when I openly attacked his advice, and even him, he answered with love and concern for his daughter. My Dad has taught me, and continues to teach me, what it means to respect someone. He has set the best standards for himself and his family. It is evident in everything he does that my Dad loves us. 

So, Dad, this is to you. This is my open apology for giving you the obnoxious teenage girl stage that every parent hopes to avoid. This is my overdue response to you and the amazing person and Dad that you are. This is confirmation that you aren't a terrible Dad by any means, and you did something in the confusion and mess of parenting right. I'm so glad that you believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. I can't express to you the gratitude that I feel for what you wrote two years ago in response to a message that represented the lowest of my lows.  

Because of you and your constant, annoying-to-teenager-me, advice and sit downs, I know more of what it means to respect myself and realize what it means when you say I deserve more. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be stuck in the same rut for another few years. 

I love my Dad. There is no one better in the world than him to take that role in my life. I truly believe that.

I can only wish to one day be half the parent he is.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Why I Love Music.

There are few songs that bring me to tears. I haven't figured out what it is about this particular song yet, but it has never failed in making my heart squeeze with raw emotion. Honestly, a lot of it has to do with how the song is sung. It's hard to explain, but when a song is being sung from the heart, you can just tell. This is part of what makes "All of the Stars" so different, to me at least.

If you haven't heard it, you have to:

If you want to read the lyrics while you listen (or don't) here they are:

It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here,
I'd sing to you
You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them, too?
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
I can hear your heart
On the radio beat
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
And I thought of us
Back to the time,
You were lying next to me
I looked across and fell in love
So I took your hand
Back through lamp lit streets I knew
Everything led back to you
So can you see the stars?
Over Amsterdam
You're the song my heart is 
Beating to
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
And, oh, I know
And oh, I know, oh
I can see the stars
From America

This's just so much more than that long distance relationship from country to country. To me, it's the distance from this world to heaven. It feels far away, but in some aspect of our hearts, I think every single one of us either secretly or openly hope and have faith that our loved ones are nearer to us than we'd ever imagined. This song is raw. This song has the purest of love in its words. And what could ever be better than a great song that makes you feel the emotions of a lifetime?

Friday, September 26, 2014


So, the stress of having a busy life has finally caught up to me. I got sick. My mom and abuela have been great; they took care of everything that I needed

But, guess what? That happens. I'm human, not superwoman.

That being said, I still work hard. I just adjust where I need to. Which gives everyone else some good laughs and giggles. See for yourself:

Life has been really good, though! I have some big news that I haven't officially put up here yet: Cory and I broke up. And, you know, despite the fact that we were together so long, I'm happy that it happened. I knew for a while that it needed to happen.

The only problem I've come into lately is the two free movie tickets I've gotten. Gotta find someone to ask :) haha

In all honesty, though, I really am happy. I lost sight of a lot of things that I really loved for the last few years, and being able to freely get back into them without any doubt from other people is such a blessing. School is so much easier without so much unnecessary pressure being self inflicted on my goals. Not to mention, my new place is absolutely fantastic! I'm loving the peace and quiet that I get. Plus, it's just kind of cool being an actual adult paying for my own things and such.

Here are some other things that I've been up to lately:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I'll Just Keep Swimming.

Oh, how it's changed.
For the better, of course.

I work like crazy, but still have time to do other things.

I'm on my own, and happy - that's all there is to be said about that.

I'm blessed beyond imagination; I couldn't ask for anything more, even though others may think I need more than what I have.

A roof over my head.

A family and incredible friends who love me, just because I'm me.

Food to eat.

Friends to love.

My life?

My life is good.

Just take a look for yourself:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Shall We?

Elder Alex Creasey skyped us from the mission field today (for Mother's Day). It was nice to talk to him "face to face." Dad and I had to work, so the entire family came here and sat in the quiet room to talk to him. Our conversation consisted of lots of laughter, plenty of singing, and tons of questions for our missionary brother/son. Man, he looks so insanely happy! It makes me happy seeing him that way.
A picture of the entire family together :) This is going to make me smile every time I see it for the rest of my life.

I might have to get my gallbladder taken out. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday to have a final verdict, but so far I've been feeling pretty miserable. Anything I eat makes me sick. I've thrown up more in this past weekend than I have in an entire year. But, then again, I have been sick a ton because of all the stomach issues that we've been trying to solve. And just when I thought it was over....haha Just my luck, of course.

Epic is rolling out in the University of Utah's hospitals and clinics, and it's actually going fairly well! Of course, with any change there are going to be problems, but I feel like the transition went well! We got most all of our questions answered, and those that couldn't be were referred to someone else so they could be.

Well, that's it for now. Kind of sad, little short post. But once I have more time, they will get longer and more detailed!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What a Crazy Week.

I would like to happily state that this past week/weekend is officially over with all of it's hectic and sad news!
Two people in the hospital, too much homework, and more than enough words to say.
The most stressful for me was mom's not-so-little hospital visit on halloween. I think that's the first time I've ever gone into shock. Of course, it was probably a good thing so I didn't cry and let everything out as it was happening, but it was a crazy, crazy night. And now it serves as a crazy, chaotic story.
I had come home after Mary and Mom had called me saying the twins were home because one of Mary's friends had taken them home. Not the original plan, but I rushed to my house as soon as I heard. When I got there, Mom seemed to be fine, and the twins were washed up and in bed. I talked with her--we actually got into a small argument about how Mary's friend shouldn't have driven them home, which I completely agree with--and went back to the kitchen to empty the dishwasher, I think. I can't really remember much of what happened before. Anyway, I walked back to Mom's room so I could apologize for overreacting, but she called my name before I could reach the door. She sounded really worried; I knew immediately that something was wrong.
When I ran into her room, she told me she couldn't feel her legs. I think my heart sank a lot when I heard that. She was really worried and scared, and so was I. But while I wanted to cry with her, I knew it wouldn't do her any favors. So, I pushed emotions aside. I tried to get her off the bed, and successfully got her to the edge, but I couldn't support her, and she couldn't support herself. There was no way that we could safely get down three flights of stairs to the car and get her in.
So, there we were, calling 911. Mary showed up at that point. We had her and her friend, Valeria (not the one who had driven the twins home), wait for EMS while the boys moved things out of the way. Jordan was stressed out, and for good reason. When EMS got to the apartment, it was a high stress environment for him. He didn't know what was going on, he had all these strangers in the house looking at Mom. I felt bad that I couldn't comfort him or notice sooner.
Well, they pulled out the stair chair, only because the stairways were too narrow for a backboard, and got her to the South Jordan Emergency Department. I beat them there though.
All in all, it was chaotic.

Hustling About.

Goodness, life has been hectic lately.

I started a job at the Megaplex and I absolutely loathe it. I think it will take lots of getting used to. I work for the Floors department and only get paid $7.25 per hour. We'll see whether or not this first paycheck is worth it, because if it isn't, I'm so quitting.

I'd really like to be a part of the IV Team that IHC has at Primary Children's. It would be some great experience and I would love to be a part of a great team like that.

School (summer semester) is coming up quickly. I'm taking several classes, and I know I'll be able to do well like I have been. I really need to raise my GPA up a few points. By retaking a few classes I goofed off in at the beginning of college, I should be able to get that honor roll grade point average soon enough.

Zeke went to the groomers today and man, am I so extremely happy that he did. He smells so good and he isn't shedding at all! I could seriously cry tears of joy.

Alex is doing very well on his mission. He still hasn't sent me pictures since the last time a few weeks ago, but he said he would sometime, so I guess it just takes a little patience.

I am in a community orchestra again. I get to perform in several musicals and we have an American concert coming up at the beginning of May. I'm really excited for it; I haven't performed with a symphony/orchestra since high school. It will be exciting to be on a stage again.

Short post, but jammed full of life details!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Word of a Lifetime.

Unconditional Love: 


Affection with no limits or conditions; complete love.

If only.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Too Young for a Wise Head.

From January 4, 2014:

Today was a fantastic day at work, not because we got to see a lot of patients or saw too little, but because I feel like for the first time in a while I connected with someone. This is a big moment for me, because as of late I feel more than antisocial.

But, today was good.

My coworker and I talked for hours on end about life's problems and successes, what should be done or shouldn't. She is a good friend. She helped me with some people issues I was having and I felt that I could take her word on these things because she knew exactly how I felt; she experienced it. She knew what it feels like to walk into a crowded room and feel completely alone. She knew how hard it was to start a conversation with new people. She understood and empathized with my anxiousness when it came to making new friends and keeping them.

The advice that she gave me today?
"You decide how you react in situations and towards other people."

She could never be more right.

It makes absolutely no sense to waste time and energy on something that doesn't even care much for you. My best friend has been telling me that for years. Just go with the flow. What is meant to be will work out and what shouldn't will soon be in the past.

I cannot describe to you the feeling of letting something go. To have held onto something that was hurting me for so long and then just decide to forgive and forget brought such an immediate sense of relief and just plain old peace into my heart.

Am I ready to go back and make everything "right" again? Far from it. But I've taken the first step into something that will drastically change my life. And that in itself will bring me closer to who I am and will forever be.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013: Merry Christmas 2014: Happy New Year

Merry Christmas (just a little late)! The family had a great Christmas; lots of presents and lots of smiles. We took the time this year to take time and serve at The Road Home. Although a somewhat cliche gesture during the holiday season, it was very enjoyable and we felt extremely blessed and honored to do it. Service will alway bring you blessings. No matter how big or small those blessings are, it will be just what you need at that moment in time.
 ^These are the Christmas lights that are hanging around my apartment bedroom. Mary and I decided that in order to get into the holiday spirit, we needed some sign that it actually was Christmas in our bedroom. They're very nice lights and they give a warm glow to our room at night. Honestly, I don't think I'll be taking them down for a while; I've grown used to drifting off to their soft glow

This was the haul "under" the Christmas tree this year. I wanted to recreate what Alex and I have done for the past few Christmas holidays, even though he isn't here to celebrate with us this year. We did get to skype him, though (picture below)! It was so nice to be able to talk with him and see how happy he is on his mission. They weren't expensive gifts, but everyone got more than one gift from me. 

 Santa's elves weren't very pleased with Mary this year ;)

 Mary's "white elephant" gift from me. She loved it!

 The family just being, well, the family. 

 Dad and his new lifeproof case for his iphone; needless to say he was pretty happy about this gift.

Mom's gift from Jordan; a brand new purse. A larger one, too. She was pretty happy about her gifts, too. One of which consisted of a kitchen aid, complete with recipe book and all the little tools it can come with.

Now, on to NEW YEARS! We met up with the family later for the Barrio 5o Nuevo Ano Fiesta ;).
James and Jordan were more than a little excited for the new year, and honestly, so was I. New Year means somewhat of a fresh start. Last year was a tough one and there are a lot of things that I wish could have been easier, but this year will be better because I'm going to make it that way. My goals are to earn my Associates degree, move out and away, possibly out of state and work hard. This year is going to be a good one, no matter what.

The family just after the New Year mark, minus Alex of course.

 Jordan hung out me for the last little bit of the party; he's such an awesome kid!

 James, when I catch him off guard, has some of the most normal looks ever. (please excuse the upside down picture and Jordan being weird in the background)

Jordan tried to soak James in carbonated water; lucky for James, he moved just in time. Jordan was still under the impression that he had succeeded in this picture.

Here's to a brand New Year and creating many more memories to cherish!