Friday, September 26, 2014


So, the stress of having a busy life has finally caught up to me. I got sick. My mom and abuela have been great; they took care of everything that I needed

But, guess what? That happens. I'm human, not superwoman.

That being said, I still work hard. I just adjust where I need to. Which gives everyone else some good laughs and giggles. See for yourself:

Life has been really good, though! I have some big news that I haven't officially put up here yet: Cory and I broke up. And, you know, despite the fact that we were together so long, I'm happy that it happened. I knew for a while that it needed to happen.

The only problem I've come into lately is the two free movie tickets I've gotten. Gotta find someone to ask :) haha

In all honesty, though, I really am happy. I lost sight of a lot of things that I really loved for the last few years, and being able to freely get back into them without any doubt from other people is such a blessing. School is so much easier without so much unnecessary pressure being self inflicted on my goals. Not to mention, my new place is absolutely fantastic! I'm loving the peace and quiet that I get. Plus, it's just kind of cool being an actual adult paying for my own things and such.

Here are some other things that I've been up to lately:

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