Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hustling About.

Goodness, life has been hectic lately.

I started a job at the Megaplex and I absolutely loathe it. I think it will take lots of getting used to. I work for the Floors department and only get paid $7.25 per hour. We'll see whether or not this first paycheck is worth it, because if it isn't, I'm so quitting.

I'd really like to be a part of the IV Team that IHC has at Primary Children's. It would be some great experience and I would love to be a part of a great team like that.

School (summer semester) is coming up quickly. I'm taking several classes, and I know I'll be able to do well like I have been. I really need to raise my GPA up a few points. By retaking a few classes I goofed off in at the beginning of college, I should be able to get that honor roll grade point average soon enough.

Zeke went to the groomers today and man, am I so extremely happy that he did. He smells so good and he isn't shedding at all! I could seriously cry tears of joy.

Alex is doing very well on his mission. He still hasn't sent me pictures since the last time a few weeks ago, but he said he would sometime, so I guess it just takes a little patience.

I am in a community orchestra again. I get to perform in several musicals and we have an American concert coming up at the beginning of May. I'm really excited for it; I haven't performed with a symphony/orchestra since high school. It will be exciting to be on a stage again.

Short post, but jammed full of life details!

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