Part 1: Life.
(Originally written April 5, 2010. Age 17.)
Life is horrible.
With each rising sun of the days we live new challenges come, new hardships meddle their way into every one of our lives.
Some trudge diligently through, while others easily give up. Those who keep pushing have the privilege of experiencing what true pain is, what sorrow and suffering feels like. Yet, they keep working to fix the challenge thrown at them. We keep moving. We keep pushing. We never stop. Well, most of us.
Then, as we begin to believe that we have solved the problem, that life will finally go on happier than ever before, it crashes once again. Only this time it's harder to crawl out of the pitch black hole, to bask in the light once more.
And the question is always there:
Why do we keep living?
Why do we allow ourselves to go through so much pain? Why do we get back up again when we fall? Doesn't it hurt enough? Haven't we been through enough?
We suffer so much in this life, we experience pain we don't want. We often see those around us suffering as well. There's only so much we can take.
But, we live for the moments that make our lives better. We live for our families, our friends. We live for moments where we are so happy, there are no words to explain. For moments that plaster permanent smiles to our faces and cause laughter to ring throughout a room. We live for times where tears of pure joy are shed in the awe of miracles.
...yet, my statement still stands all the same.
Life is Horrible.
But it's worth it.
Part 2: You.
(Written today. Age 21.)
Sometimes - not often - someone walks into life that just gets it.
In the massive sea of people that live on this planet, somehow we come across one - or many - of these incredible, breathtaking people.
The ones who inspire us to do better. To be better.
The ones who force us to question what it means to live and love and learn.
The ones who, amidst chaos and devastation, can find the light and share it.
Without any explanation or any hint of what you think, this person is on the same page while being on a different one altogether. It's like a superpower: they understand what life is about. And it's not necessarily what life is to everyone in general; it's what life means to them. They understand what it means to be truly happy, to walk through life bravely knowing who they are and what they want.
Sometimes, it terrifies the best of us because these people have something that few people actually achieve - they know what it means to be enlightened. They understand what it is to see life in a new perspective, in a better one. They know what it means to have suffered so greatly that nothing will ever feel the same again. But, they have chosen the higher road and learn from their situations.
I love these people. I love their untold stories, the way their eyes shine differently. I love the way they humbly walk through life, expecting nothing but giving everything. I admire the way they can take any situation and turn it into the sun - bright and warm. They give the rest of us that light we lack, but need so greatly.
So why don't we reach for it? Why aren't we running and jumping toward this light they offer? Why do we trap ourselves inside, pretending that other things are more important? It's so simple to obtain - just walk outside.
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