Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Pros & Cons.

At some point in life, I think all of us hit a wall. And we hit it hard.

It doesn't matter how much we try to avoid it; it's there. Even if we slow down to a near halt, the wall and us will inevitably collide.

I've hit that wall. I avoided it like the plague, yet I slammed full force into a harsh barrier of cold concrete. And when I did, I realized my life was headed toward the exact opposite of what I wanted.

There have been times where I felt that I had sacrificed everything that I was and aspired to be for the sake of others' happiness. I settled for things I didn't deserve. I crushed my self-esteem. Sometimes, yeah, I did make the other party happy. But at what cost? The worst part was that I didn't even notice--I just did it, no questions asked.

At some point, we all deserve to hit that wall. Why?

Because we are worth so much more than we know.

Today, though, I feel relieved. I feel happy to be alive and proud that I've taken steps to take control of my life.

I believe in myself.

I am looking forward to what the future holds for me.

I've changed. A lot, actually. But, I love myself so much more now than I did before. I have more confidence than I've ever had.

What's the lesson here?

Don't give up on yourself.

Good things will always come. Always. Even when it feels like there's absolutely no hope left anywhere you turn your eyes. Eventually, they'll find their way to you.

I promise.

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