Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Do You Have a Journal?

Well, get one.

I don't care whether it's a blog, a spiral notebook, word documents saved onto a secret file on your computer, a leather bound book with your name on it - if you don't have a journal you will never regret starting one.


Let's say a few years pass you by. Let's say you forget what you wanted in life, you become sad and distressed. If you kept a journal, if you kept reminders of the days where everything seemed worth it, you will struggle less. You will learn to see happiness.

What if you were already sad? I can personally say that writing something in a journal (whether the emotions portrayed be anger, sadness, distress, sorrow, loathing, etc...) will make so much more of a difference. You will learn to forgive more easily, and forget those things that cause you to live day by day in darkness.

So, get a journal.

Start anywhere. It could be a random collection of slips of paper with memories engraved permanently on them. It could be a collection of pictures, small notes in your cell phone, emails to yourself....

Start a journal.

You will thank yourself in the long run.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I never knew saying the words "I'm sorry" could feel so good. I feel as though a heavy weight that I've carried on my shoulders for years has been obliterated into nothing. From stress and hurt feelings to happiness in all but a few minutes.
I've heard others describe that feeling a million or more times, but have never felt it myself until just today. It pains me to know that there are others out there holding grudges and suffering on their own only because they can't let something go.

Today's advice: say you're sorry. You never know what that will do for you or for someone else.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


You know that feeling you get in the deepest part of your stomach when something you see reminds you of something heartbreaking? I do.

Today has been a day of the past. Of being reminded of what I could of had and what I lost. Being reminded that they things I lost are still around, lurking in the back of my mind, waiting to make a second entrance in order to capture my undivided attention. I feel as though these terrible feelings are telling me something, or at least trying to. I have tried endlessly to forget how I feel when I have days such as these.

My problem? I can't trust. Sometimes, I feel as though I can't even trust myself.

I am reminded of a Sunday School class where I had leaders and teachers who I absolutely adored. During one particularly deep lesson, they told the class that the best thing you could do in life is not trust yourself. Self control is a tricky thing to play with. In all reality, it's like playing with fire. Don't screw your life up because you wanted something in a small moment that wasn't worth the beautiful, wonderful, awe-inspiring person that you are. At first, I was far from understanding this great advice. But now that I'm just a little older, I get it. If you go through life thinking you always know best, thinking that you're the only person who is worthy of that valuable trust...let me warn you now: it will not help you progress in your life. It will only tear you down and pull you backward. Trust is such a delicate thing, and to put it all in yourself is one of the worst things you could do. If you're going to put all your trust in someone, be sure you put it in God, because he is the one person who is never, ever going to let you down. If you trust yourself and your decisions, all you're going to be doing your whole life is making mistakes and choosing wrong.

I am so happy that I have a God that is always there for me, who hears what I have to say and helps me along this hard time in life. If I could only explain and cause others to truly realize how much they are loved and cared for by their Father in Heaven. His love is unprejudiced and eternal. What more could a person ask for in life but to know this sweet and simple truth?

This being said, that does not mean life will be easy. Life is very hard, make no mistake. But with someone lovingly there watching over you, it makes things a whole lot easier and that realization can mean the world to someone.

God will never lose my trust. But, people are not like God. There are several here who had my complete trust and stomped on it like it was no more than the dirt beneath their feet. Others took advantage of it--manipulated me until I felt confused and lonely.

It is so, very difficult for me to trust someone once they've destroyed what I thought being friends with them meant. It is hard for me to look someone in the eye and say "It's alright," when I know that they were the ones who attempted to cause me so much pain and distress. This is how I am; this is my biggest flaw. I have severe trust issues. And I could sit here and explain for days how I could blame it on aunts and uncles and grandparents who weren't good influences, or friends who befriended me only to play games and be manipulative, but in the end I know it's up to me to change this about myself.

I had someone tell me once, someone who I thought was looking out for me and trying to help me do good, that I see too much good in people. That I can see the good even when they've done so much bad that it seems impossible. This same person told me to stop doing this. To change and see the world as it really is. I was only 16 at the time. I couldn't believe what I had heard. Someone who was well-respected telling me to stop seeing the good and focus on the bad? It made my heart break. God meant for this world to be good and I believe that. I will always believe that.

But that tore me apart. How could seeing too much good be bad for me? Good brings happiness; it brought me more than plenty. I could see more of the world if I focused on it's good aspects while acknowledging the bad, but not too much.

The world is good.

I want to see good again.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks.

I can't tell if I'm tired, really full, or just completely overfilled with pure joy after today.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'd like to share what I'm absolutely and happily grateful for:

2. Mary:
My little sister is one of the most wise souls I know. She is stronger than I could ever imagine to be, and is always striving to make herself and others better people. Mary is so goofy and bold - I couldn't imagine living life without this great blessing of growing up with her!

3. The Twins:
These two...oh my. James and Jordan are complete opposites, while being so similar at the same time. I love talking to Jordan (sometimes late into the night) and James is hilarious. They offer me smiles and laughter that others will never be able to give to me in the same way.

4. Elder Creasey:
I can't explain how much I miss my little brother. I am extremely grateful that he decided to serve a mission. Although I am not able to speak with him, I can feel his love through his letters to me and know that he is doing right by the Lord. He is one of the greatest Christ-like examples I will ever have in my life, and I wish him all the happiness in the world!

5. Melanie:
She has saved me more times than I can count. I can't wait to be reunited with my precious little sister in Heaven. I wasn't able to grow up with her here on earth, but the experiences I have had at her grave have been sacred and unforgettable. I am grateful for a sister who watches over me like a guardian angel and listens to my hopes, fears, and successes. I am so, so grateful that we were sealed to our family so I can one day see her again and get to really, truly know her.

6. My Parents:
I am so grateful to have my parents. I'm am happy that my dad survived the scary ordeal he went through a few months ago, and even happier that he was able to more than fully recover. I know I cause them plenty of stress - enough to last a lifetime - but they will never quite understand how much I appreciate their advice and guidance. Although I don't always listen, I still love them and understand that they love me.

7. Zeke:
My cute pup has put me through more than I expected. It has been such a huge learning experience taking on responsibility for something that looks towards others for survival. He is seriously my best friend. He is loyal, and although he often drives me insane with his hyper and puppy-like traits, I love him more than anything.

9. The Priesthood:
The Priesthood has given me so much comfort throughout my later teenage and early adult years. I am so grateful to have a father that can give me blessings when I seek for comfort, or want my worries to cease. I am grateful for the power of healing and the blessings and safety it has provided in my life.

10. The Gospel:
It is extremely comforting having the certainty of knowing that the gospel is true. I love going to the temple and even just sitting on the grounds, feeling the peace and comfort the spirit brings. I am grateful for the blessing of knowing that Heavenly Father loves me, and not only me, but everyone, no matter what. I am grateful for eternal families, and the opportunity I am given to have one of my own someday. I am grateful for my Bishop and everything that he has helped me with and guided me through. I am happy to say that I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I always will!

11. My Violin:
If only people knew how much suffering ceased because of this beautiful instrument. Tears have stopped rolling, anger has vanished, and happiness expressed through the music I can perform on my violin. I am so grateful that I have my Grandmother Mary's violin to use. Often, other family members say her spirit radiates through the music I play, and I am so happy to hear that even though she may not physically be with me, she is with me in spirit.

12. Writing.
My other passion. Although I'm no poet, I love to write everything and anything. I started a book years ago (still working on it), and obviously have my blog. I love writing in my journals, knowing that someday, I might save my future children or myself from a mistake by learning from what I did years before.

13. Smiles and Happiness:
Smiling cures anything. I am happy for the ability to smile through anything, and I am grateful for happiness I receive from that.

17. Flowers:
And not only flowers, but the beauty we get to see here on earth. Whether it be looking at the stars, listening to the wind, taking a drive through the mountains; I am so grateful to be blessed with sight to see all these beautiful things and know that God created them for us.

18. Movies and Netflix:

If one only knew how many times movies and netflix have taught me a thing or two. I am grateful to people who create these movies, and especially for those who create them with hidden meaning.

19. My Job:
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful job! I am even more happy that I get to work with my dad, who is one AWESOME nurse!! I couldn't ask for anything better than this, and I'm am so happy and grateful that I am able to share my talents to help those in harm's way.

20. My Education:
Even though school is such a stressor and complete pain at times, I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to earn a high quality education and further my progress toward becoming a nurse in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Only 8 Things.

I've learned a few things over this past week that have really hit me hard. Harder than I ever wanted to be hit, but they have harshly, whether I wanted it or not.
There are so many things that happen in life, I'm not sure how I'll be able to write all the lessons down, but sometimes, we just have to find a means of relieving our stress. What better way can I use than to write down the positives and hard lessons so others can avoid my mistakes?

1: Notice the Good Things.

If I don't take the time to notice the good things that are happening in my life, I go completely insane. The sadness gets the best of me and brings me down to what feels like the furthest I could ever possibly take. We're all going to experience times of high stress however old we are. Whether it's a huge school project, finals, work report, meetings, certifications, dinners, family, etc...there's always going to be something that's going to go wrong. But, we have to remember that without the hardships we wouldn't be able to know the difference between sadness and happiness. Choose to have the better attitude and see the good. Realize how blessed you are to live in such a great place where plenty of opportunities are thrown at you to try! Be happy that you have food to eat every day, and clothes to wear. Be thankful for your friends who you know are always there and encourage you to keep trying. Rejoice in the fact that you have a religion, or a belief, that makes you who you are and helps you get through the tough times. No matter how many bad things happen to us, there will ALWAYS be something good we can hold on to.

2: It is Perfectly Okay to Cry.

For the longest time, I was afraid to cry. I felt that if I cried, I showed weakness and vulnerability. It wasn't until recently in my life that I realize crying is a natural emotion and it's a way that we relieve our built up, or just overbearing, emotions. Alex, my brother who is currently serving a mission in CA, wrote me a couple weeks ago and said, "Sometimes it's good to cry, just don't mope on it." It's definitely true that it's okay to cry, but when we start to mope and drag out our distress, that's when it becomes problematic. Let yourself be sad for a while; it's healthy! Just know when to stop and start to be happy again.

3: What is Meant to Happen, Will.

We can't let ourselves stress out about the future, especially when it's impossible to control every second. I know for control freaks like myself that can prove the most difficult of challenges, but as my best friend has taught me: "Just go with the flow." When it's out of our control, we have to trust that if it's meant to happen, it will. Otherwise we'll spend our whole lives wishing and waiting and being disappointed when our hopes don't always when we'd like them to. Be patient and live life to its fullest in the meantime; trust me, you'll thank yourself in the future if you learn that lesson now.

4: Think Before You Speak and Act.

Just like the saying, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all," We all should think before we say something. Words are powerful things, and once you say them they're nearly impossible to forget. I know I've said plenty of things that I wish I didn't, and I've had some very hurtful things said to me. Words like that can ruin friendships for a very long time, and sometimes even for forever. Actions often speak louder than words. I remember being in high school, walking down the street with my younger brother having a really great time. Not much later, a former friend of ours drove by with a couple others in the car. Next thing we knew, we were covered in raw eggs. My brother and I looked at each other as our classmates drove away, laughing. We noticed that one egg had not cracked and lay in the grass. I quickly picked it up to retaliate, but my brother stopped me and grabbed my hand gently. "Don't make it worse than it already is." I looked at him, nodded and dropped the egg on the ground. Don't let yourself be the one who's causing harm; if you truly care about the people you surround yourself with, show them and treat them nicely. Now, I understand that we all have our bad days where we wake up on that wrong side of the bed. I also know that no one here is perfect. We are all far from perfect. So, for the next lesson...

5: Learn How to Forgive Yourself and Others.

Forgiving yourself for mistakes that you've committed in the past is probably one of the best things you can do to let go of those huge burdens a lot of us carry around. Forgiving others can also do the same. While many agree that forgiving others proves much easier than forgiving yourself, I'd like to switch that statement up a bit. Think of a time where you've said something terrible to someone. Generally, you can eventually humble yourself enough to apologize and work it out, then feel pretty good about yourself once again. Now, think of a time where someone has said something terrible to you. How hard is it to forgive them when they haven't apologized yet? I will tell you personally that it is a huge waste of time and energy to hold a grudge. My best advice is to just let it go. I understand that people can be cruel and you can feel very hurt by that. But holding a grudge will change who you are and in turn affect everyone you associate with. Sometimes it can even get in the way of a relationship with someone you love. So, as the famous Beatles song advises: Let it Be.

6: Choose Your Friends Very, Very Carefully.

First, I have to say, be nice to everyone you meet. Develop many friendships and associate yourself with loads of new and unique people. But, when you start to become close friends, watch out for those qualities that you can't avoid that will inevitably change you and what you stand for. At the same time, don't be too picky with who you are friends with, otherwise you'll end up with none. One really important thing I want to get across is that the friends who would leave you empty handed and alone in your time of need, the ones who encourage you to do terrible things and hurt others, probably aren't real friends. Watch out for the ones who just want to harm you and manipulate you, the ones who will push you down again and again.

7: Someone Will Always Be There.

In some of my most distressing times, I have often felt alone. What I hadn't realized then and know now is someone is always going to be there if you ask them to be. The key is asking. A lot of people may not know you're suffering through difficult times, and you can't expect them to always notice that you're feeling more down than usual. Do not be afraid to ask. It can be anyone: your parents, boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, brother, sister, God, counselor, coworker...give people more leniency and just let them know when you just can't do it anymore.

8: Love.

Love unconditionally. Don't hold yourself back. I understand that it's heartbreaking at times, I understand that it's hard. But, you never know when someone else needs that love that you can offer. Some of the happiest times that you will ever have in your life will be with the people you truly love. Don't hesitate to show them and tell them, because you never know exactly when they'll be taken away from you. If there's anything that I want to take away from this life, it's the ability to love everyone. It's a struggle, but through humility and meekness, it is possible! Be that person who is lifting others up, who is giving them hope to get through their toughest times. I promise you, it will make you feel so much better when you're struggling through life.

These are only 8 things. I can tell you that I've learned plenty in this past week, but those are what I feel are the most important. We're always going to learn things throughout our lives, sometimes the same thing over and over again, but we have to remember to be happy. These struggles help us grow, they teach us who we are and who we're meant to be.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Essays Galore.

I have never written so many essays in my life.
I don't want to write anymore, yet I have to.
Writing has gone from one of the greatest things created to a chore. * Heavy Sigh *

Don't get me wrong, I still love writing for fun. In fact, I recently started rewriting "The Rings" (a story/book I started in high school).

But, essays? No, thank you.

Life has been going pretty great--lots of things have been happening. (But really, nothing has happened.)

The Powell Family Halloween Party was last Saturday and man, did we all have a blast! Cory and I drove down with Lucy (who is awesome, she reminds me a lot of Mary. They're both hilarious.). While we were there we ate delicious food. I could eat some of it, which made me extremely happy! The baked potatoes were amazing, and the pork was cooked very well.'s making my mouth water by even thinking about it.
Anyway, we ate. We also played a game: "are you my mummy?" haha It's great how much Cory's family loves Doctor Who. Heather and I won the game (heck yeah!) and we all went inside afterward to watch some family videos. They were hilarious. I only wish that my siblings and I had been creative and done something along those lines.

School is crazy, as I'm sure I've mentioned in several different posts. Homework is everything but nonexistent. Which is not fun. At all. But you know, it comes with school and education, and I want a great education, so I have to do it.

I took Zeke on a six mile walk yesterday--all the way from my house to Cory's! It was tiring; my legs are definitely feeling it today. But, Zeke came out of that one super exhausted, and he actually slept in the room last night! It was great--he did really well :)
 Testing Halloween Makeup on Mary and her best friend of 15 years, Taryn.

 Cory getting sick of picture time ;)

 Zeke jumped up right as I took a picture on our walk, so I had to pull a do-over.

 Later that day--Zeke was extremely tired!! He wasn't being his normal hyper-puppy self at all!

 Zeke is like Cory--always has his eyes closed during pictures. :P

Cory making Chilean empanadas. Mom kept calling him "pro." She had to ask us what pro meant afterward, too. :) I love them both.

Zeke this morning when I woke up for school. He couldn't open his eyes, he was so tired.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sit Back, wait. We're still in school.

From September 2013:

Oh my. Can I even express through words how busy I've been?
No. But I can certainly try.

Writing Elder Creasey, my little brother, has been really fun. I love getting letters from him more than I love sending them, though. It's way nice to hear that he's doing well and having a great time. Of course, he says the work is hard, but it's worth it. It's people like that who I love being around, people with purpose. Or people who work hard to find purpose.
Something that really stuck out to me from his last letter was how he kept insisting I have the gift of music, and I have to make sure to share it. Of course, I'm not as good as I'd like to think I am when it comes to playing the violin, but with 13 years of hard work and teaching myself, I'm glad to have gotten as far as I have, and Alex insists that people don't just teach themselves the things I've taught myself.
A lot has happened in this past week. But when I try to look back and remember what I've done, homework is the word and action that sticks out the most. It's frustrating, but necessary. The only time when I get really frustrated with all the homework that I have is when it interferes with the time I should be able to spend with Cory. Luckily, I have a great boyfriend, and we often study together and help each other out...but it would still be nice if we could go out on an actual date--not just a study one.
I've taken a lot of pictures lately, so here are some that were taken this past week, along with, of course, a description:

Cooper wouldn't hold still for a clear shot. Typical dog ;)

I love it when Cory laughs. It makes me smile. :)

I haven't even looked at this book since I took this picture. I hate it. With a deep, burning passion.

Mary and Zeke wrestling. He looked up at the camera right as a snapped a shot.

Zeke is seriously the best dog I could have asked for. He gets super crazy--but, hey, he's a puppy. It's expected. I can't imagine life without my pup!

Togo and his "I'm sexy and I know it" face.

Cory attempting to fight. Of course, I just held my camera and snapped shot after shot.

Zeke is terrified of these specific set of stairs in my apartment complex. This problem hasn't come up at any other set. Just this one.

He broke his cone. Cory and I got creative.

The poem I began to calligraph-y for Elder Creasey. It was a special request.

Parenthood=My Life. (When I'm not doing homework.)

Blogging My Life Away.

Blogs, blogs, blogs.
My goodness, I just can't seem to get enough of them.
I've been working specifically on a business blog (check it out HERE) for one of my friends! It's been a learning experience, but man, do I love it. There's honestly nothing I enjoy more (except my violin and boyfriend/family). I've been creating logos, taking pictures, making folders, designing over and over and over again. It's work, and not easy work at that, but it is so much fun!
I've been thinking heavily about my future Nursing career. Although I love the medical field, there are times where I seriously doubt I'd enjoy it for the rest of my life. I've been thinking about exploring my options with the remaining credit hours I have left for my associates. It's not too late to switch majors, and if I want to do something like web design or photography, maybe even music, I can do it. After exploring the medical field for a while, I realized that there are so many things that I both love and hate. My next thing that I'm sure to try is becoming a Surgical Technician. I've always wanted to do something with surgery, and I would LOVE to be something like that. The program is two semesters to a year long, and it's one of the highest paid careers you can have without an associates degree. Of course, I'm still getting an associates and beyond, but it will be a nice change in life to do something a little different.
It's funny that I used to dread change with my entire being. Now, it's something I wait for and sometimes even run towards.
I want my next big change to be a move somewhere new. If I had the funds, I would definitely be moving out of country, but since I don't, I've decided that Seattle, WA will be great. It's such a diverse community there, and I can't wait until I can go there for a second time! We'll see what life brings and how long it takes me to get there. For now, I have a couple more semesters left of school. That gives me more than enough time to save money. If I can't make it there, I learned that Dixie has a pretty good Surg Tech program, and I'd receive a scholarship because I'm a transfer student with a 3.5 GPA :)
I just have to keep working hard, and hopefully I can get my GPA up a little more and get some more money that I won't have to pay back. Yeah, I'm really liking the sound of that.

Life has been going well. Of course there's the daily struggles, but what would I be without those?
I've started writing again. I had this book I was writing in high school, it was called "The Rings," but when I graduated I lost the will to write it. When I found the files within the depths of my old computer a couple weeks ago, I couldn't help myself. I started to rewrite the whole thing. So far, I'm just a couple chapters in, but I'm loving the new plot and my characters are becoming a lot more developed than they originally were. I guess that's something that just comes with age and seeing more than what's available to a person in high school.
I've also been playing my violin a lot more than usual. I guess that's because my brother, Elder Creasey, has been encouraging me to in every email or letter that he writes me. He tells me I have the gift of music and I have to share it. He's a great missionary, and an even greater brother! I love him so much for everything that he's done for me and all that he's went through when it comes to me.

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Hard.

I'm really sick.
I have been all weekend.
It's bringing me down. I feel drained of all the energy I should have. I don't have an urge to do anything.
I hate it.
Last night was the worst of it; I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt so bad. It can't be the flu, but it could be something else.
I've also been getting migraines like crazy throughout the past few days, even with taking the medicine I'm supposed to.

Usually I wouldn't write stuff like this, but it's really been getting to me, and I feel like I need to get it out somehow!

Back to being happy:
I finished all the homework I needed to this week. I'm not sure how, but I did it.
All I have left to do for this next week is write a 1200 word essay (blegh, dreading it already!), study for a test in biology and finish a one page assignment in preparation, and write an outline of an article for my biology lab. It's not terrible, and definitely do-able.
I spoke with an academic advisor a couple days ago about graduation--it's close!--and what I could do afterward. Lately, I've been deviating from Nursing. Although I love my job in the ER, I feel that I wouldn't like being a Nurse.
I have been looking into Surgical Technician programs, though. As I progress with grades (which I am, and it's great), I'm sure that I could get into the program. I'm nearly done with my prerequisites for it. Only two more classes left.
I've been thinking heavily about where I want to go next, and I made a plan: I'm moving to Seattle, Washington at the beginning of next year. I've had that plan for a while, it's just been tough trying to figure out where I'll get the funding for it. But, if I start saving now, I could definitely move out of state by the beginning of next year. It's possible, and I'm going to do it.

Here's to a new life, and learning what it takes to get there!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Here's an UPDATE for the Family Pictures taken a long while back!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

One Thing.

A song to fit the mood:

Lately, I can't stop thinking about Seattle. I want to move there so bad that it hurts. I'm not sure why it's that place, it just is. Ever since I went there, I knew it would be the place that I would really start my life. I knew it's where I would be the happiest. There are so many things about that place that I absolutely loved when I visited years ago. It's an artistic city, and I feel that's where I would best fit in. That's where I would thrive simply being me and no one else. I could let myself go and explore various  opportunities on my own.

I've felt very...well, bluntly put, frustrated here in Utah. It drives me insane, this state. While I'm here, all I can think about is moving away. When I'm gone, I never want to go back. My life is not meant to be here. So, I need a plan. I need to spell out an exact plan of how I'm going to get out of here. I've already been looking for apartments out of state, and I'm loving what I'm seeing. They are decently priced and there are several places where I could work around them. They're located in safe neighborhoods, and it's a chance for me to start anew. Yes. That sounds like perfection to me. Although there will be people here that I will miss, I feel like me moving away is what's best for me....and right now, I'm who I need to focus on. I need to better myself; I need to understand fully what I want from life and what I have to do to get there. I need to be sure of what I'm doing.

Moving away from the people who think they know what is best for my future will help that. I know it will.

I've always been one of those people who love making their own choices, despite what anyone says. The rebel, the free spirit, whatever you want to call it. But it gets to the point, here at least, that people really just do not understand that they aren't in control of my life. I appreciate comments a few times, I appreciate guidance when its necessary. But when over and over I hear the same things, it gets out of hand. They don't get to decide where I go. I do. I choose where I want to be and what I want to do or become. The choices I make are my own, and the consequences that come with it are my own as well. I feel like being here in Utah, there is more than a lot of judgement. People should not judge each other like that. It's sickening. We should close our doors to those who try to help us, and close them to those seeking help. We shouldn't pretend to not see what's happening. People need help, people need friends.

Sometimes, I feel ashamed of the people I'm around. I feel that they should know better than to say such things, that they should know better than to ignore and turn away. I have to say that I'm guilty of doing the same at times, and I despise that fact, but I try not to. I try to be there, to help, and to listen. Why? Because we are ALL human. Not one of us is more perfect than the other. We can't afford to think that we are better than everyone else. We can't afford to crush someone's spirit and leave as if nothing happened.

We are all equal. We are all loved. We are all blessed.

Nothing will change that. Nothing.

Nothing will also change the fact that people are so proud. So ignorant.

This place...this place is so glorified. Glorified for its people, its safety, its scenery...

This place isn't meant for me anymore.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homework: A College Student's Necessary Nightmare

Man, oh man. Can I just say I'm spent as far as homework goes? I feel like I spent all day working on it, when in reality it was only a few hours. Cory and I spent a good portion of the day attempting to do homework. Attempting.
I guess it didn't really help that we were watching movies at the same time, but hey, what needed to be done got done eventually. I feel as though this semester is never going to end. Of course, it's only just begun so I have a while before it's over, but I just get that feeling that this is going to be a few very, very tough months.
I don't want to complain, because I really am so grateful for my educational opportunities. I feel very blessed that I am allowed to study what I wish to, and that there's no one but myself stopping me.
Life is just one exciting roller coaster.

I've started writing stories again. My mind loves to wander off while doing homework, or sitting in class, so I have to put the ideas down somewhere...Otherwise I'll never stop thinking about it.
So far I just have little blurbs of different stories here and there, but we'll see what I can make it into later on. I'm sure it will be entertaining for me.

Well, back to more homework!

A song to fit my mood:

Monday, September 9, 2013

More Books, Please!

As I was running through my humble collection of books today (I know, a little late at night, right? Well, I was cleaning, it's what I do.) I noticed that I will run out of things to read pretty soon. I'm down to two books. One is fairly large, so I'll be reading it for a while, especially since school started up. The other is just a normal novel, and I should be able to finish it pretty quickly if I stay devoted!

But, back to the problem. I'm running out of books to read, and I'm not sure I want to go back and read them through a second (or third, or fourth) time.

So, it's time to hit the bookstore. Barnes and Noble--my home away from home. Mmm. That place just makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Well, as I was thinking about what books I'd like to buy, I realized that what's out there now are books I'm completely unfamiliar with. I can't walk straight into B&N anymore without browsing through hundreds of books, which sometimes takes me a few hours.

What I want to read is something romantic, but not gushy. Fantasy, but not cheesy. And please, no vampires. I'm done with the good-looking, sparkling in the sun dudes. In fact, I think most people are, which is fantastic. I want something that could be real, while being made up all at the same time. Because I make no sense, this is an ordeal I have to solve on my own.

So, scrolling through books (online, this time) I haven't seemed to find one that I really like yet. I've read all the Mortal Instruments (ages ago) and blown through plenty of deep literature. Now it's time for the floofy stuff.

Bring it on, self. Here's your next big challenge.

(Not like school is important or anything....totally kidding, it's important, just not very exciting. If you know what I mean.)

Friday, August 23, 2013

More Doctors.

This will be a week of doctors visits...

For the past several months, my stomach feels as though it has not been digesting food correctly. In fact, it bloats up very large and becomes very painful after certain meals and I've even began to have rashes and hives after eating some cookies. Not very fun. I haven't been able to eat very much either, and if I do I get sick. Really nauseous. Due to that fact, I've been losing some weight.

But I look like I've gained it.

When I'm not bloated (in other words, when I haven't eaten for a while during the day), I look a bit skinnier than I used to be.

I go to the doctors office tomorrow to see if we can figure out what's wrong.

I really hope it's nothing. But, at the same time, I'd like to know if this is what's causing my migraines, because I've been getting migraines every single time it happens, too.

I don't know which I'd rather have.

Neither, actually. I'd rather have neither.

Oh well, I'm going to wish myself luck at the doctors office tomorrow, and hope for the best, whatever it might be!

Also, I'm going to hope and pray that I get through this night shift, because right now, I'm really not feeling my best.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Birthday, Cory!

My man is turning 20! How exciting!

I wanted to dedicate a post to him, and to everything he's done for me, not only for these past two years that we've been dating, but for much longer.

Cory is a strange guy. Kind of quiet, really tall, and some people get a little intimidated by him. But not me. I love him more than anything. He, once you get to know him, has one of the kindest hearts you could ever imagine.

I remember being friends with him in high school and staying up late into the night chatting with him, having conversations that seemed too big to have back then. One in particular I remember is him telling me how great of a person I would be for someone. How great of a girlfriend, a wife, and a mother I would be to some lucky guy. Little did he know I had no desire to be someone's girlfriend, wife or mother at the time, but as time went by, I realized, long before we even started dating, that I loved Cory. Man, did I feel silly. I was only 17--how in the world should I know what love meant or what it felt like? But I was sure of it, I loved Cory. I cared for him more than I had anyone. And a year later, I was not only a girlfriend, but his girlfriend. And he still reminds me how lucky he feels.

Now as the years are going by and things are growing more difficult, it's so nice to know that I have this amazing guy by my side, telling me that I can do it and there's nothing that's impossible.

I'm happy to have him with me, happy to have gone through what we have, and excited that we get to go through more.

I love you Cory! I hope you have the best 20th birthday imaginable!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Alex is now Elder Creasey. His being set apart was wonderful; the spirit was very strong. I'm really proud of him for being able to go out and serve the Lord like he is.

Aunt Lorna and Uncle Don came to be with us for the setting apart. Aunt Lorna made really delicious lasagna, salad, and dessert. We had a really nice time. We conversed as a family and laughed and was a night of mixed emotions.

I'm so happy for Alex, but at the same time, I'm going to miss him so much and it'll be a tough beginning for us as a family. It will be a change that will take time to adjust to. But it's totally possible. And we still have letters that we can write to him. I'm sure he'll write to us as well. I'll be looking forward to those letters.

We dropped him off at the MTC today and it was a bittersweet moment. It's hard thinking that my little brother is gone for two years. That this is real and it's actually happening. I don't think it's hit me yet. I realized on Sunday that he would be leaving, and it was really distressing, but I don't think I've yet realized that he is actually gone. I can only hope that he feels comforted in the beginning, because I don't think it'd be easy being separated from family so quickly. I feel like we had so much time to be with him, yet it was not enough. But, as he does what Heavenly Father wants him to do, I know he will be blessed and he will bless the lives of so many others. I love Alex a lot, and I wish I would have told him that more often.

I'm going to write him a letter this week so he gets one next week. I'd really like to hear from him already. I feel like when I get home from a day shift, it will be hard. I think that's when I'll cry. Because I won't see him on the couch, and we won't be able to talk. But it's okay, because I'll be able to see him again. Two years isn't very long at all.

I'd really like to go to Chile sometime in the near future. If possible, I'd really like to go and complete a service project in a different country as well. I think I'll start saving for that now. Mom figured out that some airline she looked at, possibly Delta, is having a great offer on tickets to Chile--buy 2 tickets for the price of one! So after talking about it today, we're going to go get our passports, and for the kids, our Chilean citizenship, and then head off so we can see Abuelo y Abuela! I miss them so much. It's hard, sometimes, not having a grandparent. Sometimes I'm jealous of Cory and how good his grandparents are. I've never met them, but he tells me about them. They sound like really great people. I just wish I had my really great grandparents here to talk to. I wish I would have been smarter when I was younger and listened to the stories they had to tell. I feel a lot of regret over that. To have seen so much history happen in your lifetime must have been incredible. I can only hope that I get to ask them their favorite parts of their lives; what made them who they are, and why they are happy.

I go to Lagoon with Cory's family on Friday. It will be really fun and I'm way excited! Even though Lagoon is kind of gross, but it will be a day that I can be stress free. I don't even care if I'm tired. I'm happy that I'll be able to see Cory and finally spend time with him. I feel like I really haven't seen much of him all week and it's become a little bit of a frustration. I know it's my own fault though, I'm working a lot. I think I have a bit of a break in a few weeks, so that will be really nice. Plus school starts and we have a class together, so we can see each other then, too!

Paying for school is going to be difficult this semester. I'm nearly $900 short. $600 on tuition and $300 on books. Books are going to be bad. It's a bit stressful, but that's what comes with school. It'll be worth it; I only have a few more semesters until I'm finished with prerequisites for Nursing School. I'm looking to move somewhere else for Nursing school, because if I want to be a Nurse Practitioner, I'll have to go through a better school than SLCC (they only offer a program for an associates in nursing, or something of that sort). So I'm looking into several different schools as possibilities. I'll have to talk to a counselor just so I can be sure I'm doing everything right, but I think I'm nearly finished with my prerequisites.

Life's going good; of course there are challenges, but that's to be expected!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Anniversary Number Two.

Today was a good day. Despite being so tired I felt I might possibly die last night, it was good.

Today, well I guess technically yesterday (August 10th) was a celebration for Cory and I. We have officially been dating for two years! It was exciting. :) Cory planned this year's anniversary to-do's--I put in my opinions when he asked for them, and sometimes when he didn't. But, it was very fun. I enjoyed it and today was something that was very much needed.

Here's how my day started out yesterday:

Alex and Dad came home from California in the morning around 9. It was nice to see them home, but the second they walked in the door, they smelled poop. I was a little more than half asleep, but I could still process most of what they were saying. Dog poop. Oh no. Heard the bathroom door open and then quickly close. Alex complaining of the stench.

I left Zeke in the bathroom last night because I needed to sleep. I was so tired and couldn't handle a jumping puppy at 3 am. Well, Zeke wasn't happy with that. He pooped everywhere (bathtub included) and smeared it all over the floor. Tracked it everywhere. And it smelled terrible.

I had to clean it all. Alex did help, thank goodness, but it was all semi-traumatic considering I had just woken up.

Alright, so the mess got cleaned and I took a shower and got ready for the day. I didn't do anything fancy, just some make up and left my hair natural. The whole poop ordeal left me a little flustered. I took a long nap afterward and woke up around one. Cory would be on his way at two. So I quickly got myself together and was ready by the time he got here.

We went to lunch at Corner Bakery Cafe--it was delicious! Cory got a meat and goat cheese sandwich, and I got their delicious mac and cheese. Oh my gosh, it was good. I don't think I will ever get sick of that mac and cheese. It was heavenly.

After that we went to see Wolverine. It wasn't that bad of a movie, I have to say. I was interested for most of it. But I was still pretty tired and it's always been really hard for me to stay awake in movies. I don't like paying money (or having someone else pay money) to sleep through a movie. I'd rather just rent it from redbox or something like that.

We then drove up Butterfield Canyon to go to a viewpoint. It was nice, something we've never done before, so I thought it a bit odd that we were doing it now after two years. But the view at the top was amazing, although the ride up was a little scary. Definitely worth it. Going down though was terrifying, and I don't think I'd like to do it again, even if we did get down super fast.

For dinner, we ate at Red Robin. Cory gave me a choice between a few different restaurants and that sounded the best to me, though there was a tie for a while between that and the Cheesecake Factory. Red Robin was good though. Just the kind of food I wanted. I ordered fish and chips, Cory ordered chicken and fries. Great meal, I was full for a really long time after eating it.

Cory did a great job planning things out this year. It was fun and he made me feel better, he made the day great and he made me feel loved like he always does.

Today was Alex's mission farewell. He did amazing on his talk about Temples and Families. It brought me to tears. I was expecting Alex to talk afterward, and that way when I had to perform, I wouldn't be nearly crying, but no, Obispo changed the order last second and I was very shaken for the performance of "In the Hollow of Thy Hand/Nearer, My God, To Thee". Alex is going to be a great missionary while he serves in Long Beach. I have no doubt that he will bring many people the joy and happiness that they have been searching for.

Lots of people came, former ward members and lots of Alex's friends. Mom's friends came too. Cory and his family came. We all enjoyed the spirit Alex brought to the meeting.

At the farewell party, Cory and I played with Jayden and Kailey a lot. They were adorable and we were exhausted by how much energy Jayden had. Lots of people came and all the food that was prepared was gone within minutes, it seemed.

An exhausting day, but a great one. It's been a really good week.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sick Calls.

I think I can honestly say that tonight is the most tired I've ever been while working a night shift. I was asked to work because someone called in sick earlier in the day. Of course I said yes, because it's the right thing to do. And I love working here, because it's fun. The staff is great. I'm very lucky to have a job like I do!

I get to see Katie today at noon! I'm super excited, especially since I haven't seen her in so long. :) We're going swimming. Yeah, I did work a night shift, but whatever! This is my best friend. Sleep can wait. Some quality time with my best friend is long past due.

Cory and I have our two year anniversary on Saturday! It's his turn to plan it this year. I'm curious as to what he has planned, it seemed like he really took the time to think it through, so we're going to have some fun! I've always had a love, hate relationship when it comes to surprises. Hate waiting for them, love it when they actually happen and I know what I've been waiting for. I guess you could say I'm just a tad bit impatient.

I may end up working the first half of tomorrow night. Another person called in sick, and the charge nurse is going to pass it along to see if anyone will be able to cover for them. I told them I could cover for half, but that was it, because I can't sleep through Saturday. I promised myself, and Cory. That wouldn't be fair.

Life has been pretty good lately. I've had my downs, but I feel like I'm bouncing back up. It definitely helps when I give myself things to do. If I find myself sitting down for too long, I start thinking way too much and worrying way too often. And that's when I start to get sad. So, I've been keeping myself busy. Blogging helps, but there's only so much that I want everyone to know. Of course, there's my journal, and my dog, but my dog likes to play more than he likes to listen because of his age, and a journal only gives you so much comfort.

Speaking of the dog, Zeke bit my face the other day! It was a play bite, but it was hard enough to break through skin and take a chunk from my lip! Yeah, it hurt. I have a little purple/red mark only my lip from where the small chunk was taken and a tiny scar from the broken skin on my chin. Also, it was a little bit mentally traumatizing. So I had to get over that before I could let him lick me the other day. But he felt bad about it afterward, and he was punished (he was given a smack on the rear and a night on the balcony).

We had family pictures last week. Here's a preview.

Honestly, I felt super awkward in front of this camera. Not sure why, but I did. We had individual shoots and then family ones (kids, then entire, then kids again...yeah, point made). One thing that makes me really laugh about this picture is how stinking pale Dad looks. He seriously almost disappears into the background. 

I am curious to see how the other pictures turned out. Dad told me they should be finished by the end of the week, but I think it will take a bit longer.

I'll post them up here when I get them.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I used to think vacations were stupid as a kid. I hated packing up things to leave my room that I loved to hide out in, just to find a temporary place to stay so we could have "fun". Don't get me wrong, though, once we actually got there, I did have some fun, especially when vacations consisted of Disneyland and beaches, but as I got into the teenage years, they weren't so fun anymore. They weren't as exciting, and the word vacation became more of a stressor.

This is no longer true.

If I hadn't had my little escape for the few days I did a week ago, I think I would have been in tears most of this week. Vacations are a godsend. Not only did it relieve past stress that I was experiencing, but it cleared my head enough to help me relax and take on new stressors from life that I am now facing.

School is starting up again soon! August 21st is the official start date, but I think I don't actually have classes on that day. I'm still really excited. I'm excited that I'm almost finished and that I'll have a lot of learning to do again. Except this time, I'll actually be learning things that are more relevant to my career. Cory's taking classes, too. I helped him sign up for more yesterday and figure out his school schedule so it won't interfere with work. I finally have my schedule all figured out, too. It took me a lot of switching around, but I now figured out a good schedule that will fit me a little better. Tuesdays and Thursdays have always seemed like the days for me, I should have remembered that when I was signing up for classes earlier this month.

I feel as though I could write a novel about the things I think about in my head. I have so many problems I want to fix, and things I want to admire. There's just not enough time to remember, and not enough words to explain. Isn't that frustrating? I wonder how great novelists could collect themselves enough to get all those thoughts together and create something so great and timeless. I feel like half the time, at least lately, I'm wondering what my next step is and figuring it out thirty seconds before I need to. That's not really how I am, or how I've ever been, it's just how things have been working out lately.

I'm the person who has everything planned out, and makes sure everything goes according to that plan.

I'm the person who is freaking out on the inside when something little goes wrong.

I think what I need is another vacation sometime soon, at least before school starts. And maybe it's one that I should take on my own, so I can just get away and miss what I have. So I can come to a better realization that what I have here holds a special part in my heart.

That, and vacations get rid of stress.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The drive to Reno, Nevada was a long one, but it was so much fun. I felt like it was a much needed trip, even if it was only driving for two days with an overnight stay in a hotel.
I was surprised that it all happened, actually.
The bishop called me into his office after church on Sunday (July 21st, 2013) and told me that the MTC called him, or someone did, and asked him if the ward could combine efforts in order to have Sister Tapia driven to Reno, Nevada to start her mission, instead of having her fly out. I thought I would have been the last person that would have been asked to do a favor in my ward because I'm really not well known, but I'm glad that I was asked to do it. Sister Barbara Tapia is going to make one great missionary. Julia Valenzuela came too, and we all talked a lot with each other, about our lives, about the gospel, about everything. It was great. It made me feel good.
I've been really stressed out lately, but to get out and breathe and just forget about everything back home for a while was nice, it made me happier to come back to it all after I had been away from all the troubles I thought I had. Sunday, I felt as though I was being crushed with a weight that got heavier and heavier, a weight that wouldn't lift and wouldn't give. An ailment and sickness that would never go away. But as I realized when I put my trust it my Heavenly Father, everything would be okay, that weight began to lift. And at the end of this trip, that weight was gone. Thanks to the two sisters who went with me on the trip and lifted my spirit, I can feel that way. I can feel happy once again! Back to my normal self. Sometimes, it's not the people we know and live with every day who lift our spirits, although they certainly can, but people who are happy themselves who share their happiness with you.

Yuba lake is this week. I'm extremely excited for this campout! Everyone tells me that it's beautiful and the water is perfect for swimming in. I really can't wait! I get off work in thirty minutes and then I don't have to work for a whole week. That break will be nice. I'll have time to rest and relax for a little bit. Maybe I'll try to take Zeke on his very first hike since he gets his last set of shots this Friday! SO happy those will be over with. It's kind of tough driving all the way down to Murray to get his puppy shots. Next thing to look into will be obedience training classes.

I feel like it's strange that I can only write so little about a trip that was so great. I can't believe how happy I became on that trip, and how good of friends I became with the two ladies I traveled with. I was really shocked with how well things had flowed.

I hope all goes well with this coming weekend and the campout and that I have the best time of my life, because I've been waiting for this for a really long time! :)

 great salt lake

 just driving along

 salt flats

 (stupid construction. Nevada was full of it. -.-)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dad's Birthday.

So, yesterday was an "I feel pretty terribly sick" kind of day. Except I wasn't sick at all, just tired. I'd worked a night shift (I blogged about that night), and had only been able to sleep about 3 hours before the family came in to wake me up so we could sing happy birthday to dad. We didn't get him a large cake, in fact is was pretty small because he can't eat it, so we sang happy birthday with a small chocolate cake held out toward him with two number four candles on it. For once, I didn't get pictures. I think I was just so out of it that I didn't even think to pull out my phone.

So after the happy birthday singing, we all sat down and decided what we were going to do for the day. Dad said he wanted to see Man of Steel, so we did later that day. At 5pm, we had dinner. I was not happy during this dinner. I tried to be understanding and as calm as I could be without looking completely livid (I barely said a word the entire dinner). What happened that made me so mad? So, as mentioned in the post yesterday, one of Alex's friends had been invited to dad's birthday dinner because she was leaving for basic training on Monday (tomorrow). So for that reason, according to everyone, she was invited to the dinner while Cory wasn't, which to me was pretty hurtful. I thought everyone was just starting to get along. Well, I dropped it after asking why it worked out the way it did and receiving an answer, but when the dinner actually came the girl who was leaving for basic showed up AND another of Alex's girlfriends. I wasn't very happy. I ended up just eating dinner quietly, saying a few words, then excusing myself so I could just go sleep it off in my room. I was pretty upset about it. But I tried my hardest not to say anything and just let it go, keeping in mind that it was dad's birthday, and I slept for ten minutes. I felt a little better after my short nap, but not by much. My head was throbbing (something that had been happening the entire morning/day) and I felt very weak. I was still a little mad about the whole dinner situation as well. But we were leaving to go to a movie, and that means the friends of Alex were leaving us.

Man of Steel is not my favorite movie. It's much too loud. Given, I'm not a movie fan to begin with partly because loud movies like that with all their explosions and weird sounds give me the worst migraines of my life. So, I ended up leaving the movie for about ten minutes at one point because of my throbbing head. I just went and sat in the bathroom until I wasn't as nauseous, then on a bench just outside the theatre where we were seated. That was an hour before the movie was scheduled to end. I had to take my medicine while I was out there, and I don't think that was the smartest idea. I felt dizzy for the rest of the night. When I took my blood pressure at home, it was in the 80s/60s. Not good. So I tried getting up and pacing a little before I finally got too dizzy and just went to bed. I'm still not sure if I actually fell asleep or passed out.

So, it wasn't the best day for me. But I'm happy that I got to spend some of the day with my quirky family and wish a happy birthday to my dad.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Copper-y Rings.

At work again! I believe it's my fourth (or fifth) day in a row! It's body is super confused on when it should be allowed to sleep and when it should be awake. I get home in the morning and can never fall asleep right away, no matter how bad I wish that I could.
The medication I have been taking for my migraines has finally made my blood pressure low. I told Cory I was feeling kind of funny earlier today, but I didn't really guess that the medication would be why because I've been tolerating it very well so far. I'm skipping my next dose so I don't bottom out and fall to the floor while I'm at work.
I feel like I should be writing some sort of story, but I can't think of what to write. I haven't written an actual story in so long it's crazy! It used to be one of my favorite things to do and now I can't think of anything to write about. I'm honestly sick of the fairytales I come up with in my head, but it's always nice to daydream about them. It gives me something fun to do when I'm bored.
I really should finish reading The Road. I feel like I started it too long ago. In high school, I would have finished a book that size in a couple days. I'm only about 1/4th the way through the entire book and I can't seem to find the urge I once had to read.

Cory came to visit me at midnight :)
He brought me raspberry ice cream, gushers, and a drunk guy.
haha...okay, so he didn't mean to bring in the drunk guy, but still.
I mixed the raspberry ice cream with sprite in a cup (because I'm weird like that) and ate a couple packs of gushers. I'm actually eating a pack of them as I type. They're a lot more sugary than I remember. Then again, the last time I had them I was a kid.

So, about the drunk guy. Cory really did walk in with him. He came up to the desk and I thought he was going to check into the ER for some kind of psychiatric problem, but no, he just wanted to use the phone. So, I put the phone on the counter and let him try to dial a number, but it turned out that the phone was broken, and another patient walked in. So, I asked him to take a seat while I went to figure out what was wrong, checked the patient in (because patients hold priority, I'm sorry, but they do) and then told the charge nurse what was happening. She let him use a phone that was working to call a cab he needed and then he came to wait out in the waiting room. Eventually, he worked his way out to the main doors where there are wheelchairs and he tried, after a few minutes, taking a wheelchair out the parking lot. I called him out and tried to get him to stop. He wasn't going to listen to me. Luckily the charge nurse and the other EMT came out to handle the situation as well. But still, what an event!
We ended up having to call security just so they could keep an eye on him.

Cory always brings the weirdest things in with him. I mean seriously, every time he's come to visit me, we get a patient with something legitimately wrong with them, or just some random person who has no purpose being anywhere near an ER.

At least something happened tonight!

Tomorrow, well technically today, is Dad's birthday. He's turning 44. I'll be sleeping for some time in the morning, but we're having a dinner for him at 5. One of Alex's friends are coming. I guess she's leaving for basic training Monday and that's the last chance Alex will get to see her? I don't know, I find the whole situation strange, especially because Cory won't be coming. But whatever! It's Dad's birthday, so I'm not allowed to cause problems about it. For reasons semi-unknown, it worked out like that.

Let's see what else is happening!

My camping trip with the Powell family is in a couple weeks and I am extremely excited!! Cory said Yuba Lake is pretty cool, but he's only seen it from a drive, he's never actually camped there. I guess they are trying to rent jet skiis, but aren't sure on the matter. I hope they do at least get one, because I've never really ridden on one. The thought of being able to ride one is both exciting and terrifying. I've heard some pretty gruesome stories about jet skiis and injuries received from them. Stories that I probably never wanted to hear. Ouch...yeah, that's all I'm going to say about that.

Zeke is doing a lot better as far as obedience goes! He now sits almost all the time when commanded and he's learned to stay! I'm such a proud momma :) He's such a cute puppy, and he's getting so big! The only issue we're really having with him now is play biting and pooping out on the balcony. Other than that, he's been an awesome dog!! I absolutely adore him!

A few days ago, Cory and I took the twins out on an interesting drive. The rules were that they had to tell us whether to go straight or turn at each stoplight. We ended up in Lehi (leh-hee as Siri would pronounce it) and stopped at their senior center that had a museum next to it. There was a statue of Porter Rockwell there and we learned about him, which was pretty cool! Then we hopped back in the car and went on a search for a museum at BYU that James and Jordan kept calling the "bean" museum. We ended up unsuccessful in trying to find the exact museum they wanted, but we did find their art museum. Just as we were walking to its doors, they closed. But we found some cool artwork ducks that looked like they were from minecraft outside. They were pretty large in size! We had fun eating snacks in the car and making vine videos. I feel like Cory and I should take them out more often, because we really did have a lot of fun!

Some Random Pictures From Life

Also, something I forgot to blog about was the fact that Cory and I made the long drive around Utah lake about a week ago starting around midnight. We honestly didn't know how long the drive would be, but we soon figured out that it's over 100 miles to get around the entire lake. It took us nearly 3 hours to get home. By the time we figured out that it would be a longer drive than we thought, we're were already about 53 miles in. Which sucked because we were kind of stuck as far as time whether we turned around or kept going, so we kept going. We sped, going about 90 mph in my car to get home a little faster, but then we hit some random town where there were cops present, so we had to slow down. Let me tell you that driving out there at night is creepy. I don't think I'll ever be the one driving at night in somewhere like Cedar Valley. Anyway, we went home and straight to bed! It was an exhausting night!