Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Hard.

I'm really sick.
I have been all weekend.
It's bringing me down. I feel drained of all the energy I should have. I don't have an urge to do anything.
I hate it.
Last night was the worst of it; I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt so bad. It can't be the flu, but it could be something else.
I've also been getting migraines like crazy throughout the past few days, even with taking the medicine I'm supposed to.

Usually I wouldn't write stuff like this, but it's really been getting to me, and I feel like I need to get it out somehow!

Back to being happy:
I finished all the homework I needed to this week. I'm not sure how, but I did it.
All I have left to do for this next week is write a 1200 word essay (blegh, dreading it already!), study for a test in biology and finish a one page assignment in preparation, and write an outline of an article for my biology lab. It's not terrible, and definitely do-able.
I spoke with an academic advisor a couple days ago about graduation--it's close!--and what I could do afterward. Lately, I've been deviating from Nursing. Although I love my job in the ER, I feel that I wouldn't like being a Nurse.
I have been looking into Surgical Technician programs, though. As I progress with grades (which I am, and it's great), I'm sure that I could get into the program. I'm nearly done with my prerequisites for it. Only two more classes left.
I've been thinking heavily about where I want to go next, and I made a plan: I'm moving to Seattle, Washington at the beginning of next year. I've had that plan for a while, it's just been tough trying to figure out where I'll get the funding for it. But, if I start saving now, I could definitely move out of state by the beginning of next year. It's possible, and I'm going to do it.

Here's to a new life, and learning what it takes to get there!

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