Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Essays Galore.

I have never written so many essays in my life.
I don't want to write anymore, yet I have to.
Writing has gone from one of the greatest things created to a chore. * Heavy Sigh *

Don't get me wrong, I still love writing for fun. In fact, I recently started rewriting "The Rings" (a story/book I started in high school).

But, essays? No, thank you.

Life has been going pretty great--lots of things have been happening. (But really, nothing has happened.)

The Powell Family Halloween Party was last Saturday and man, did we all have a blast! Cory and I drove down with Lucy (who is awesome, she reminds me a lot of Mary. They're both hilarious.). While we were there we ate delicious food. I could eat some of it, which made me extremely happy! The baked potatoes were amazing, and the pork was cooked very well. Mmmm...it's making my mouth water by even thinking about it.
Anyway, we ate. We also played a game: "are you my mummy?" haha It's great how much Cory's family loves Doctor Who. Heather and I won the game (heck yeah!) and we all went inside afterward to watch some family videos. They were hilarious. I only wish that my siblings and I had been creative and done something along those lines.

School is crazy, as I'm sure I've mentioned in several different posts. Homework is everything but nonexistent. Which is not fun. At all. But you know, it comes with school and education, and I want a great education, so I have to do it.

I took Zeke on a six mile walk yesterday--all the way from my house to Cory's! It was tiring; my legs are definitely feeling it today. But, Zeke came out of that one super exhausted, and he actually slept in the room last night! It was great--he did really well :)
 Testing Halloween Makeup on Mary and her best friend of 15 years, Taryn.

 Cory getting sick of picture time ;)

 Zeke jumped up right as I took a picture on our walk, so I had to pull a do-over.

 Later that day--Zeke was extremely tired!! He wasn't being his normal hyper-puppy self at all!

 Zeke is like Cory--always has his eyes closed during pictures. :P

Cory making Chilean empanadas. Mom kept calling him "pro." She had to ask us what pro meant afterward, too. :) I love them both.

Zeke this morning when I woke up for school. He couldn't open his eyes, he was so tired.

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