Friday, August 9, 2013

Sick Calls.

I think I can honestly say that tonight is the most tired I've ever been while working a night shift. I was asked to work because someone called in sick earlier in the day. Of course I said yes, because it's the right thing to do. And I love working here, because it's fun. The staff is great. I'm very lucky to have a job like I do!

I get to see Katie today at noon! I'm super excited, especially since I haven't seen her in so long. :) We're going swimming. Yeah, I did work a night shift, but whatever! This is my best friend. Sleep can wait. Some quality time with my best friend is long past due.

Cory and I have our two year anniversary on Saturday! It's his turn to plan it this year. I'm curious as to what he has planned, it seemed like he really took the time to think it through, so we're going to have some fun! I've always had a love, hate relationship when it comes to surprises. Hate waiting for them, love it when they actually happen and I know what I've been waiting for. I guess you could say I'm just a tad bit impatient.

I may end up working the first half of tomorrow night. Another person called in sick, and the charge nurse is going to pass it along to see if anyone will be able to cover for them. I told them I could cover for half, but that was it, because I can't sleep through Saturday. I promised myself, and Cory. That wouldn't be fair.

Life has been pretty good lately. I've had my downs, but I feel like I'm bouncing back up. It definitely helps when I give myself things to do. If I find myself sitting down for too long, I start thinking way too much and worrying way too often. And that's when I start to get sad. So, I've been keeping myself busy. Blogging helps, but there's only so much that I want everyone to know. Of course, there's my journal, and my dog, but my dog likes to play more than he likes to listen because of his age, and a journal only gives you so much comfort.

Speaking of the dog, Zeke bit my face the other day! It was a play bite, but it was hard enough to break through skin and take a chunk from my lip! Yeah, it hurt. I have a little purple/red mark only my lip from where the small chunk was taken and a tiny scar from the broken skin on my chin. Also, it was a little bit mentally traumatizing. So I had to get over that before I could let him lick me the other day. But he felt bad about it afterward, and he was punished (he was given a smack on the rear and a night on the balcony).

We had family pictures last week. Here's a preview.

Honestly, I felt super awkward in front of this camera. Not sure why, but I did. We had individual shoots and then family ones (kids, then entire, then kids again...yeah, point made). One thing that makes me really laugh about this picture is how stinking pale Dad looks. He seriously almost disappears into the background. 

I am curious to see how the other pictures turned out. Dad told me they should be finished by the end of the week, but I think it will take a bit longer.

I'll post them up here when I get them.

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