Friday, June 14, 2013

One of Many Last Days.

Today is my last day of department orientation at the hospital!
I've learned a lot while I've been here, and I'm so happy to have a job that I love. It's amazing to know what it took to get here and how lucky I've been in receiving a position such as this.
I'm happy.

We've been really slow today. There's not much going on.
I hope that I jinx myself and tons of patients all come in at once, because although laid back days such as these are great every once in a while, it's a lot more exciting when interesting things walk through the Emergency Room doors. I believe we've only seen four patients total today (starting from 07:00 until 15:30)'d think we'd be getting more because we're an awesome emergency department...but no, sadly, we aren't today. Some days, though, we get a ton of patients! Those days are really fun.

My first night shift is on this upcoming monday. I'm interested to work nights because I feel like more outrageous things will come through those doors.
I think I was supposed to work with my dad that day, but he may have gotten it off for scout camp or something.
Too would've been cool to work with him for once.

I bet I'll have plenty of other opportunities to work with him though.
I'm hoping that some time or another I'll be able to work at least part time, and then eventually full time. I absolutely love this place!

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