Monday, June 17, 2013

Night Shifts.

Well, I'm four hours in to my  twelve hour night shift. It really isn't bad so far! I just hope I'll feel like this toward the end of the shift. I slept all night and day before coming (by total accident, I actually meant to stay up all night and sleep all day...but you know, my body needed some sleep). Mary and mom just brought me a coke and a weird noodle soup thing. It's like ramen with vegetables, so says Mary. I've had them before but I'm really just not into them. They don't taste as good as ramen.
I'm listening to my entire music library on my laptop, and of course blogging, because I've been trying to do that as much as I possibly can.
Oh! I forgot to mention (though I probably have in recent posts) that today is my official first day/night on my own! No more orientation for me, even though it was really fun and entertaining at times.
We really aren't to busy...actually, we're pretty much empty. I wish it'd be a little busier though, because I like being able to do something.
It just makes the time go by that much faster.

I didn't get to play much with Zekers today. I woke up a few times to take him out to the bathroom and feed him, but other than that we really didn't get any play time.
He's doing a TON better about not having accidents in the house/on the balcony. In fact, (hopefully I don't jinx myself for saying this) he hasn't had an accident in almost three days. I just hope it stays that way for a very long while.
He sits on command very well. Sometimes he needs some reminding, but he knows with a surety that he needs to sit and calm down before going in the house, and if he wants to come inside he needs to sit at the glass door and not scratch.
At the BBQ yesterday, he was actually laying down on command fairly well, though he was super excited and riled up because his new BFF Cooper was there.
I'm so happy that they got along so well.

Z, the educator at work showed me some of the leather cases for shears that he made. I'm going to buy one when I get paid on Friday. I'm seriously considering buying two. One of them had the fertility symbol on it, which might be funny to wear around, but man did that thing look awesome! The one I'm for sure getting is a dark orange/faded red color with a sun (looks South American) etched into it. Super excited to wear that, plus my old shear holder would catch on to cords all the time while I was in patient's rooms so this will be an awesome change.

The twins and Dad went on a week long scout camp to Bear Lake. They left this morning at about eight. I hope they have lots of fun up there and stay safe! Who knows what crazy stories they'll come back with at the end of the week.

Cory's family invited me to go to Yuba Lake with them on July 26th for a couple nights.
I am definitely going to this one. I need a vacation from everything, and what better vacation can you have than one with your boyfriend? None, I'd say.
Cory really wants his parents to rent out some jet skis, but I'm not sure how excited (or nervous) I am to ride them. I can't make up my mind. I see so much potential damage that could happen, but at the same time it seems extremely thrilling. I just hope Cory doesn't kill me on that thing. Or no one else gets severely injured on it.

I forgot to upload some of the photos I took from our little get together for Jayson's birthday. I also have some pictures of me being a tad bit bored at work, along with other things.
Family Fun and Work

I get paid on Friday, and I'll actually have enough money this paycheck to begin saving. Of course, I'm already paying my parents rent that goes towards my future down payment on a house or a condo, but I feel that I should save money on my own as well and get into that good habit. I've never really been good at it because I really don't have much patience for things like that, but I'm determined to achieve this small goal of mine. I want to save $150 a month until I move out, and then I'll push it down to about $100 a month.
I need that kind of security for myself in case something fails somewhere.

I got new lenses for my glasses today. They're anti-glare, which is awesome. I've always had anti-glare, but these new glasses didn't have them on the lenses for some reason, so Mary and Alex went to figure it out one day and ordered new lenses for both Mary and I. Thank goodness, because I have no idea how I would handle a migraine from that kind of light.

That reminds me! I haven't had a migraine for nearly a month, which is a new record! It's awesome. I don't remember the last time I went months without a migraine. I though I felt one coming on the other day, but it was only a false alarm. Everything went back to normal in a matter of minutes.

Well, that's really all that's happened today. Mostly sleep and now work.
We'll see if I have enough energy to blog in the morning!

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