Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Essays Galore.

I have never written so many essays in my life.
I don't want to write anymore, yet I have to.
Writing has gone from one of the greatest things created to a chore. * Heavy Sigh *

Don't get me wrong, I still love writing for fun. In fact, I recently started rewriting "The Rings" (a story/book I started in high school).

But, essays? No, thank you.

Life has been going pretty great--lots of things have been happening. (But really, nothing has happened.)

The Powell Family Halloween Party was last Saturday and man, did we all have a blast! Cory and I drove down with Lucy (who is awesome, she reminds me a lot of Mary. They're both hilarious.). While we were there we ate delicious food. I could eat some of it, which made me extremely happy! The baked potatoes were amazing, and the pork was cooked very well. Mmmm...it's making my mouth water by even thinking about it.
Anyway, we ate. We also played a game: "are you my mummy?" haha It's great how much Cory's family loves Doctor Who. Heather and I won the game (heck yeah!) and we all went inside afterward to watch some family videos. They were hilarious. I only wish that my siblings and I had been creative and done something along those lines.

School is crazy, as I'm sure I've mentioned in several different posts. Homework is everything but nonexistent. Which is not fun. At all. But you know, it comes with school and education, and I want a great education, so I have to do it.

I took Zeke on a six mile walk yesterday--all the way from my house to Cory's! It was tiring; my legs are definitely feeling it today. But, Zeke came out of that one super exhausted, and he actually slept in the room last night! It was great--he did really well :)
 Testing Halloween Makeup on Mary and her best friend of 15 years, Taryn.

 Cory getting sick of picture time ;)

 Zeke jumped up right as I took a picture on our walk, so I had to pull a do-over.

 Later that day--Zeke was extremely tired!! He wasn't being his normal hyper-puppy self at all!

 Zeke is like Cory--always has his eyes closed during pictures. :P

Cory making Chilean empanadas. Mom kept calling him "pro." She had to ask us what pro meant afterward, too. :) I love them both.

Zeke this morning when I woke up for school. He couldn't open his eyes, he was so tired.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sit Back, Relax...no wait. We're still in school.

From September 2013:

Oh my. Can I even express through words how busy I've been?
No. But I can certainly try.

Writing Elder Creasey, my little brother, has been really fun. I love getting letters from him more than I love sending them, though. It's way nice to hear that he's doing well and having a great time. Of course, he says the work is hard, but it's worth it. It's people like that who I love being around, people with purpose. Or people who work hard to find purpose.
Something that really stuck out to me from his last letter was how he kept insisting I have the gift of music, and I have to make sure to share it. Of course, I'm not as good as I'd like to think I am when it comes to playing the violin, but with 13 years of hard work and teaching myself, I'm glad to have gotten as far as I have, and Alex insists that people don't just teach themselves the things I've taught myself.
A lot has happened in this past week. But when I try to look back and remember what I've done, homework is the word and action that sticks out the most. It's frustrating, but necessary. The only time when I get really frustrated with all the homework that I have is when it interferes with the time I should be able to spend with Cory. Luckily, I have a great boyfriend, and we often study together and help each other out...but it would still be nice if we could go out on an actual date--not just a study one.
I've taken a lot of pictures lately, so here are some that were taken this past week, along with, of course, a description:

Cooper wouldn't hold still for a clear shot. Typical dog ;)

I love it when Cory laughs. It makes me smile. :)

I haven't even looked at this book since I took this picture. I hate it. With a deep, burning passion.

Mary and Zeke wrestling. He looked up at the camera right as a snapped a shot.

Zeke is seriously the best dog I could have asked for. He gets super crazy--but, hey, he's a puppy. It's expected. I can't imagine life without my pup!

Togo and his "I'm sexy and I know it" face.

Cory attempting to fight. Of course, I just held my camera and snapped shot after shot.

Zeke is terrified of these specific set of stairs in my apartment complex. This problem hasn't come up at any other set. Just this one.

He broke his cone. Cory and I got creative.

The poem I began to calligraph-y for Elder Creasey. It was a special request.

Parenthood=My Life. (When I'm not doing homework.)

Blogging My Life Away.

Blogs, blogs, blogs.
My goodness, I just can't seem to get enough of them.
I've been working specifically on a business blog (check it out HERE) for one of my friends! It's been a learning experience, but man, do I love it. There's honestly nothing I enjoy more (except my violin and boyfriend/family). I've been creating logos, taking pictures, making folders, designing over and over and over again. It's work, and not easy work at that, but it is so much fun!
I've been thinking heavily about my future Nursing career. Although I love the medical field, there are times where I seriously doubt I'd enjoy it for the rest of my life. I've been thinking about exploring my options with the remaining credit hours I have left for my associates. It's not too late to switch majors, and if I want to do something like web design or photography, maybe even music, I can do it. After exploring the medical field for a while, I realized that there are so many things that I both love and hate. My next thing that I'm sure to try is becoming a Surgical Technician. I've always wanted to do something with surgery, and I would LOVE to be something like that. The program is two semesters to a year long, and it's one of the highest paid careers you can have without an associates degree. Of course, I'm still getting an associates and beyond, but it will be a nice change in life to do something a little different.
It's funny that I used to dread change with my entire being. Now, it's something I wait for and sometimes even run towards.
I want my next big change to be a move somewhere new. If I had the funds, I would definitely be moving out of country, but since I don't, I've decided that Seattle, WA will be great. It's such a diverse community there, and I can't wait until I can go there for a second time! We'll see what life brings and how long it takes me to get there. For now, I have a couple more semesters left of school. That gives me more than enough time to save money. If I can't make it there, I learned that Dixie has a pretty good Surg Tech program, and I'd receive a scholarship because I'm a transfer student with a 3.5 GPA :)
I just have to keep working hard, and hopefully I can get my GPA up a little more and get some more money that I won't have to pay back. Yeah, I'm really liking the sound of that.

Life has been going well. Of course there's the daily struggles, but what would I be without those?
I've started writing again. I had this book I was writing in high school, it was called "The Rings," but when I graduated I lost the will to write it. When I found the files within the depths of my old computer a couple weeks ago, I couldn't help myself. I started to rewrite the whole thing. So far, I'm just a couple chapters in, but I'm loving the new plot and my characters are becoming a lot more developed than they originally were. I guess that's something that just comes with age and seeing more than what's available to a person in high school.
I've also been playing my violin a lot more than usual. I guess that's because my brother, Elder Creasey, has been encouraging me to in every email or letter that he writes me. He tells me I have the gift of music and I have to share it. He's a great missionary, and an even greater brother! I love him so much for everything that he's done for me and all that he's went through when it comes to me.

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Hard.

I'm really sick.
I have been all weekend.
It's bringing me down. I feel drained of all the energy I should have. I don't have an urge to do anything.
I hate it.
Last night was the worst of it; I felt like I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt so bad. It can't be the flu, but it could be something else.
I've also been getting migraines like crazy throughout the past few days, even with taking the medicine I'm supposed to.

Usually I wouldn't write stuff like this, but it's really been getting to me, and I feel like I need to get it out somehow!

Back to being happy:
I finished all the homework I needed to this week. I'm not sure how, but I did it.
All I have left to do for this next week is write a 1200 word essay (blegh, dreading it already!), study for a test in biology and finish a one page assignment in preparation, and write an outline of an article for my biology lab. It's not terrible, and definitely do-able.
I spoke with an academic advisor a couple days ago about graduation--it's close!--and what I could do afterward. Lately, I've been deviating from Nursing. Although I love my job in the ER, I feel that I wouldn't like being a Nurse.
I have been looking into Surgical Technician programs, though. As I progress with grades (which I am, and it's great), I'm sure that I could get into the program. I'm nearly done with my prerequisites for it. Only two more classes left.
I've been thinking heavily about where I want to go next, and I made a plan: I'm moving to Seattle, Washington at the beginning of next year. I've had that plan for a while, it's just been tough trying to figure out where I'll get the funding for it. But, if I start saving now, I could definitely move out of state by the beginning of next year. It's possible, and I'm going to do it.

Here's to a new life, and learning what it takes to get there!