Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Not really feeling it lately; life's in one of those muddy puddles your bike gets stuck in. I guess I could make some great fun from the situation...but you know, it's really not that easy when you're going through it. You might look on that mud puddle from the outside and say 'ohh, fun! I love the mud, let's go run through it.' So, you do. But when you get right in the middle--to the deepest part where no one can reach you, and no one is going to jump in because they didn't want to get their hands dirty in the first place--you realize that maybe it isn't going to be as fun as you thought it would be. Sometimes you might have to lose your precious bike in the process. And you know how children are with their bikes; life is a lost cause without your bike. If anything, your bike is such a big part of your life that when it's gone...there's no more life to live.
Why am I talking about bikes?
Maybe I need a therapist.

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