I'm at work yet again. It seems like this is the only time I really have to blog, or have the urge to blog. I should get better at that. One day I will appreciate having written everything down.
I've started a new migraine medication. Instead of Toparimate/Topamax, I'm now on a medication that was originally intended for people with high blood pressure but studies have found that it also is very effective in preventing migraine headaches. There is just a slight problem though; my blood pressure is pretty low, 100s/70s. So, in order to keep my blood pressure where it's supposed to be and also prevent my migraines, I have to start taking the pill in small increments. It's a little frustrating because sometimes I can feel that my blood pressure is too low, and other times I can feel the medication wearing off, so I have to recognize that and adjust my doses accordingly. At least I can change the dose with this one though, and I don't feel like I'm in some sort of stupor while taking it.
I've signed up for classes for the fall. I did drop a chemistry class, though, because I felt that taking 20 credit hours in one semester for the second time would be a little too much. So, I'm now at 16 credit hours and I feel that everything will go very well. I'm really excited to be done with pointless school soon. I will be able to graduate with my associates in about 3 semesters and then move on to getting my bachelors degree.
I'm thinking about going to PA school when I've completed my bachelors. I'm still thinking whether or not I should have a Nursing degree or not. I'm not sure which would look better on an application. But, I would enjoy doing something medical related. So, I'm almost positive that I'll end up choosing the nursing route. We'll see how things turn out. I'm still young, I still have a lot of fun to have. But not too much, because I want to be finished with school soon. At this rate I'm looking at 6 years minimum in school. Plus the three semesters I have left. So technically speaking I have 7.5 years left of school minimum.
I've really wanted to take a trip to Seattle, WA lately. Plane tickets there aren't expensive at all, and I really think I could do it. I wish Cory could come with me, but that will be out of the question for both our parents. There's no way we'd be able to go there unchaperoned. And I don't really want a chaperon. I want to be able to go there and do the things I want to do without limitations. I really want to go by myself, but I don't think my parents would let me do that either. So I'd rather not go. I can always go later if I decide to, but I feel like that won't be for a while.
I wonder if I should actually write down my bucket list wishes. I think I should, at least in a blog post if not anywhere else. It'd be something exciting to do and look forward to in life.
I'll start it right now!
1. Get married in an LDS temple.
2. Have a family.
3. Graduate college with a degree that's medical related.
4. Live in Seattle, WA for one year.
5. Travel to Vina Del Mar, Chile and visit family there.
6. Go to Lava Hot Springs randomly.
7. Drive to Wyoming and buy fireworks.
8. Road trip across the U.S.
9. Visit all 50 states.
10. Go to England.
11. Visit Spain.
12. Change someone's life for the better.
13. Disneyland.
14. Ride Wicked at Lagoon.
15. Own a motorcycle.
16. Have a cat.
17. Name one of my girls Melanie (if possible).
18. Buy a cute outfit in New York.
19. Attend a Broadway show.
20. Watch a surgery.
21. Go star gazing somewhere nice.
22. Have a picnic.
23. Drive a Porsche.
24. Have my life's story made into a book.
25. Write a decent poem.
That's all I can think of for now, but I know I have more things that I've wanted to do. I just hope I remember to write them all down when I think of them. Having a list like this will make for an exciting life. I can only hope that I'll be able to do them all within my lifetime.
Dad's birthday is on the 13th of this month. I feel bad because I can't get him anything because I'm completely broke, but it makes me feel a little better that I was able to get him something for father's day. I'm at least getting him a card though, because cards on birthday's, even if they're hand made are an essential element to have. Maybe I can try to do something for him at home that will make his life a little easier. Or maybe we can all go out together as a family somewhere. We'll see.
Zeke is doing okay. He's really spastic, always running around and finding something to chew on. I tried taking the rock that weighs the bowl down for his water out the other day and he totally spilled it everywhere first chance he got. That rock, I have a feeling, will stay in there forever. He tried running out into the street while Mary was taking him out last night. I was pretty shocked because he has not once tried to do that with me. I guess he just stays around me better than he will with anyone else. Cory and I tired him out last night and played with him in front of the apartment complex. He ended up sleeping for a while. At least until 7am, which is good because I needed to work today.
I didn't end up falling asleep last night until about 3 in the morning. It was ridiculous. I have no idea why I could just close my eyes and sleep, but it will be good for me tonight because I have to try to stay up as late as I can for my night shift tomorrow. Switching around with night and day shifts is tricky business, I tell you. It starts taking its toll on your body after a while. But, I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. It's actually not too bad, I think it just seems worse this week because I've had to start that new medicine and it just makes me feel kind of off.
Muse is coming in September and I NEED tickets. I can't bare to miss this concert! I've heard from many people that they are absolutely amazing live, but I have to see for myself. I will buy tickets at any cost. Okay well not at any cost, but you get the point.
I dyed my hair black. I was getting bored of the red and I haven't had it an actual black for a really long time. So, after a night shift, I ran over to walmart in the morning, bought two box colors that wouldn't completely dry out my hair and went to work. It looks awesome. I've gotten lots and lots of compliments on it, which makes me feel better about doing it myself. I'm shocked it took two box colors though. I didn't realize my hair was so long. But, evidently, it is. I'll have to post a picture of my new hair somewhere. I don't have images of it on this computer.
The Yuba lake campout is coming up! Best part is that I get a huge paycheck the week of so it'll help me prepare for that at least a few days in advance. I'll have to pay a bit of my car insurance because the next paycheck isn't going to be great at all; I'll only have about 12 hours on it. Maybe $100. I can manage with that as long as a plan for it in advance. I'll have to save at least half of this next paycheck. I can do it though, I know I can. I'm going to be a lot smarter with my money now. Especially because I'm going to have to add a phone bill into that sometime soon.
Anyway, I'm super excited for this campout. It's going to be really fun and I'm excited to spend time with Cory's family. We'll have some good times, I'm sure of it. Zeke gets to come, which is awesome because he'll have plenty of space to play. I'm sure he'll enjoy that. Plus, there's water and that dog is definitely one who won't hesitate to swim. Whenever the hose is pulled out he's always trying to bite the water and get soaked. It's fun to watch! :)
This month is going to be a good one!