Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I used to think vacations were stupid as a kid. I hated packing up things to leave my room that I loved to hide out in, just to find a temporary place to stay so we could have "fun". Don't get me wrong, though, once we actually got there, I did have some fun, especially when vacations consisted of Disneyland and beaches, but as I got into the teenage years, they weren't so fun anymore. They weren't as exciting, and the word vacation became more of a stressor.

This is no longer true.

If I hadn't had my little escape for the few days I did a week ago, I think I would have been in tears most of this week. Vacations are a godsend. Not only did it relieve past stress that I was experiencing, but it cleared my head enough to help me relax and take on new stressors from life that I am now facing.

School is starting up again soon! August 21st is the official start date, but I think I don't actually have classes on that day. I'm still really excited. I'm excited that I'm almost finished and that I'll have a lot of learning to do again. Except this time, I'll actually be learning things that are more relevant to my career. Cory's taking classes, too. I helped him sign up for more yesterday and figure out his school schedule so it won't interfere with work. I finally have my schedule all figured out, too. It took me a lot of switching around, but I now figured out a good schedule that will fit me a little better. Tuesdays and Thursdays have always seemed like the days for me, I should have remembered that when I was signing up for classes earlier this month.

I feel as though I could write a novel about the things I think about in my head. I have so many problems I want to fix, and things I want to admire. There's just not enough time to remember, and not enough words to explain. Isn't that frustrating? I wonder how great novelists could collect themselves enough to get all those thoughts together and create something so great and timeless. I feel like half the time, at least lately, I'm wondering what my next step is and figuring it out thirty seconds before I need to. That's not really how I am, or how I've ever been, it's just how things have been working out lately.

I'm the person who has everything planned out, and makes sure everything goes according to that plan.

I'm the person who is freaking out on the inside when something little goes wrong.

I think what I need is another vacation sometime soon, at least before school starts. And maybe it's one that I should take on my own, so I can just get away and miss what I have. So I can come to a better realization that what I have here holds a special part in my heart.

That, and vacations get rid of stress.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The drive to Reno, Nevada was a long one, but it was so much fun. I felt like it was a much needed trip, even if it was only driving for two days with an overnight stay in a hotel.
I was surprised that it all happened, actually.
The bishop called me into his office after church on Sunday (July 21st, 2013) and told me that the MTC called him, or someone did, and asked him if the ward could combine efforts in order to have Sister Tapia driven to Reno, Nevada to start her mission, instead of having her fly out. I thought I would have been the last person that would have been asked to do a favor in my ward because I'm really not well known, but I'm glad that I was asked to do it. Sister Barbara Tapia is going to make one great missionary. Julia Valenzuela came too, and we all talked a lot with each other, about our lives, about the gospel, about everything. It was great. It made me feel good.
I've been really stressed out lately, but to get out and breathe and just forget about everything back home for a while was nice, it made me happier to come back to it all after I had been away from all the troubles I thought I had. Sunday, I felt as though I was being crushed with a weight that got heavier and heavier, a weight that wouldn't lift and wouldn't give. An ailment and sickness that would never go away. But as I realized when I put my trust it my Heavenly Father, everything would be okay, that weight began to lift. And at the end of this trip, that weight was gone. Thanks to the two sisters who went with me on the trip and lifted my spirit, I can feel that way. I can feel happy once again! Back to my normal self. Sometimes, it's not the people we know and live with every day who lift our spirits, although they certainly can, but people who are happy themselves who share their happiness with you.

Yuba lake is this week. I'm extremely excited for this campout! Everyone tells me that it's beautiful and the water is perfect for swimming in. I really can't wait! I get off work in thirty minutes and then I don't have to work for a whole week. That break will be nice. I'll have time to rest and relax for a little bit. Maybe I'll try to take Zeke on his very first hike since he gets his last set of shots this Friday! SO happy those will be over with. It's kind of tough driving all the way down to Murray to get his puppy shots. Next thing to look into will be obedience training classes.

I feel like it's strange that I can only write so little about a trip that was so great. I can't believe how happy I became on that trip, and how good of friends I became with the two ladies I traveled with. I was really shocked with how well things had flowed.

I hope all goes well with this coming weekend and the campout and that I have the best time of my life, because I've been waiting for this for a really long time! :)

 great salt lake

 just driving along

 salt flats

 (stupid construction. Nevada was full of it. -.-)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dad's Birthday.

So, yesterday was an "I feel pretty terribly sick" kind of day. Except I wasn't sick at all, just tired. I'd worked a night shift (I blogged about that night), and had only been able to sleep about 3 hours before the family came in to wake me up so we could sing happy birthday to dad. We didn't get him a large cake, in fact is was pretty small because he can't eat it, so we sang happy birthday with a small chocolate cake held out toward him with two number four candles on it. For once, I didn't get pictures. I think I was just so out of it that I didn't even think to pull out my phone.

So after the happy birthday singing, we all sat down and decided what we were going to do for the day. Dad said he wanted to see Man of Steel, so we did later that day. At 5pm, we had dinner. I was not happy during this dinner. I tried to be understanding and as calm as I could be without looking completely livid (I barely said a word the entire dinner). What happened that made me so mad? So, as mentioned in the post yesterday, one of Alex's friends had been invited to dad's birthday dinner because she was leaving for basic training on Monday (tomorrow). So for that reason, according to everyone, she was invited to the dinner while Cory wasn't, which to me was pretty hurtful. I thought everyone was just starting to get along. Well, I dropped it after asking why it worked out the way it did and receiving an answer, but when the dinner actually came the girl who was leaving for basic showed up AND another of Alex's girlfriends. I wasn't very happy. I ended up just eating dinner quietly, saying a few words, then excusing myself so I could just go sleep it off in my room. I was pretty upset about it. But I tried my hardest not to say anything and just let it go, keeping in mind that it was dad's birthday, and I slept for ten minutes. I felt a little better after my short nap, but not by much. My head was throbbing (something that had been happening the entire morning/day) and I felt very weak. I was still a little mad about the whole dinner situation as well. But we were leaving to go to a movie, and that means the friends of Alex were leaving us.

Man of Steel is not my favorite movie. It's much too loud. Given, I'm not a movie fan to begin with partly because loud movies like that with all their explosions and weird sounds give me the worst migraines of my life. So, I ended up leaving the movie for about ten minutes at one point because of my throbbing head. I just went and sat in the bathroom until I wasn't as nauseous, then on a bench just outside the theatre where we were seated. That was an hour before the movie was scheduled to end. I had to take my medicine while I was out there, and I don't think that was the smartest idea. I felt dizzy for the rest of the night. When I took my blood pressure at home, it was in the 80s/60s. Not good. So I tried getting up and pacing a little before I finally got too dizzy and just went to bed. I'm still not sure if I actually fell asleep or passed out.

So, it wasn't the best day for me. But I'm happy that I got to spend some of the day with my quirky family and wish a happy birthday to my dad.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Copper-y Rings.

At work again! I believe it's my fourth (or fifth) day in a row! It's body is super confused on when it should be allowed to sleep and when it should be awake. I get home in the morning and can never fall asleep right away, no matter how bad I wish that I could.
The medication I have been taking for my migraines has finally made my blood pressure low. I told Cory I was feeling kind of funny earlier today, but I didn't really guess that the medication would be why because I've been tolerating it very well so far. I'm skipping my next dose so I don't bottom out and fall to the floor while I'm at work.
I feel like I should be writing some sort of story, but I can't think of what to write. I haven't written an actual story in so long it's crazy! It used to be one of my favorite things to do and now I can't think of anything to write about. I'm honestly sick of the fairytales I come up with in my head, but it's always nice to daydream about them. It gives me something fun to do when I'm bored.
I really should finish reading The Road. I feel like I started it too long ago. In high school, I would have finished a book that size in a couple days. I'm only about 1/4th the way through the entire book and I can't seem to find the urge I once had to read.

Cory came to visit me at midnight :)
He brought me raspberry ice cream, gushers, and a drunk guy.
haha...okay, so he didn't mean to bring in the drunk guy, but still.
I mixed the raspberry ice cream with sprite in a cup (because I'm weird like that) and ate a couple packs of gushers. I'm actually eating a pack of them as I type. They're a lot more sugary than I remember. Then again, the last time I had them I was a kid.

So, about the drunk guy. Cory really did walk in with him. He came up to the desk and I thought he was going to check into the ER for some kind of psychiatric problem, but no, he just wanted to use the phone. So, I put the phone on the counter and let him try to dial a number, but it turned out that the phone was broken, and another patient walked in. So, I asked him to take a seat while I went to figure out what was wrong, checked the patient in (because patients hold priority, I'm sorry, but they do) and then told the charge nurse what was happening. She let him use a phone that was working to call a cab he needed and then he came to wait out in the waiting room. Eventually, he worked his way out to the main doors where there are wheelchairs and he tried, after a few minutes, taking a wheelchair out the parking lot. I called him out and tried to get him to stop. He wasn't going to listen to me. Luckily the charge nurse and the other EMT came out to handle the situation as well. But still, what an event!
We ended up having to call security just so they could keep an eye on him.

Cory always brings the weirdest things in with him. I mean seriously, every time he's come to visit me, we get a patient with something legitimately wrong with them, or just some random person who has no purpose being anywhere near an ER.

At least something happened tonight!

Tomorrow, well technically today, is Dad's birthday. He's turning 44. I'll be sleeping for some time in the morning, but we're having a dinner for him at 5. One of Alex's friends are coming. I guess she's leaving for basic training Monday and that's the last chance Alex will get to see her? I don't know, I find the whole situation strange, especially because Cory won't be coming. But whatever! It's Dad's birthday, so I'm not allowed to cause problems about it. For reasons semi-unknown, it worked out like that.

Let's see what else is happening!

My camping trip with the Powell family is in a couple weeks and I am extremely excited!! Cory said Yuba Lake is pretty cool, but he's only seen it from a drive, he's never actually camped there. I guess they are trying to rent jet skiis, but aren't sure on the matter. I hope they do at least get one, because I've never really ridden on one. The thought of being able to ride one is both exciting and terrifying. I've heard some pretty gruesome stories about jet skiis and injuries received from them. Stories that I probably never wanted to hear. Ouch...yeah, that's all I'm going to say about that.

Zeke is doing a lot better as far as obedience goes! He now sits almost all the time when commanded and he's learned to stay! I'm such a proud momma :) He's such a cute puppy, and he's getting so big! The only issue we're really having with him now is play biting and pooping out on the balcony. Other than that, he's been an awesome dog!! I absolutely adore him!

A few days ago, Cory and I took the twins out on an interesting drive. The rules were that they had to tell us whether to go straight or turn at each stoplight. We ended up in Lehi (leh-hee as Siri would pronounce it) and stopped at their senior center that had a museum next to it. There was a statue of Porter Rockwell there and we learned about him, which was pretty cool! Then we hopped back in the car and went on a search for a museum at BYU that James and Jordan kept calling the "bean" museum. We ended up unsuccessful in trying to find the exact museum they wanted, but we did find their art museum. Just as we were walking to its doors, they closed. But we found some cool artwork ducks that looked like they were from minecraft outside. They were pretty large in size! We had fun eating snacks in the car and making vine videos. I feel like Cory and I should take them out more often, because we really did have a lot of fun!

Some Random Pictures From Life

Also, something I forgot to blog about was the fact that Cory and I made the long drive around Utah lake about a week ago starting around midnight. We honestly didn't know how long the drive would be, but we soon figured out that it's over 100 miles to get around the entire lake. It took us nearly 3 hours to get home. By the time we figured out that it would be a longer drive than we thought, we're were already about 53 miles in. Which sucked because we were kind of stuck as far as time whether we turned around or kept going, so we kept going. We sped, going about 90 mph in my car to get home a little faster, but then we hit some random town where there were cops present, so we had to slow down. Let me tell you that driving out there at night is creepy. I don't think I'll ever be the one driving at night in somewhere like Cedar Valley. Anyway, we went home and straight to bed! It was an exhausting night!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I'm at work yet again. It seems like this is the only time I really have to blog, or have the urge to blog. I should get better at that. One day I will appreciate having written everything down.

I've started a new migraine medication. Instead of Toparimate/Topamax, I'm now on a medication that was originally intended for people with high blood pressure but studies have found that it also is very effective in preventing migraine headaches. There is just a slight problem though; my blood pressure is pretty low, 100s/70s. So, in order to keep my blood pressure where it's supposed to be and also prevent my migraines, I have to start taking the pill in small increments. It's a little frustrating because sometimes I can feel that my blood pressure is too low, and other times I can feel the medication wearing off, so I have to recognize that and adjust my doses accordingly. At least I can change the dose with this one though, and I don't feel like I'm in some sort of stupor while taking it.

I've signed up for classes for the fall. I did drop a chemistry class, though, because I felt that taking 20 credit hours in one semester for the second time would be a little too much. So, I'm now at 16 credit hours and I feel that everything will go very well. I'm really excited to be done with pointless school soon. I will be able to graduate with my associates in about 3 semesters and then move on to getting my bachelors degree.

I'm thinking about going to PA school when I've completed my bachelors. I'm still thinking whether or not I should have a Nursing degree or not. I'm not sure which would look better on an application. But, I would enjoy doing something medical related. So, I'm almost positive that I'll end up choosing the nursing route. We'll see how things turn out. I'm still young, I still have a lot of fun to have. But not too much, because I want to be finished with school soon. At this rate I'm looking at 6 years minimum in school. Plus the three semesters I have left. So technically speaking I have 7.5 years left of school minimum.

I've really wanted to take a trip to Seattle, WA lately. Plane tickets there aren't expensive at all, and I really think I could do it. I wish Cory could come with me, but that will be out of the question for both our parents. There's no way we'd be able to go there unchaperoned. And I don't really want a chaperon. I want to be able to go there and do the things I want to do without limitations. I really want to go by myself, but I don't think my parents would let me do that either. So I'd rather not go. I can always go later if I decide to, but I feel like that won't be for a while.

I wonder if I should actually write down my bucket list wishes. I think I should, at least in a blog post if not anywhere else. It'd be something exciting to do and look forward to in life.
I'll start it right now!

1. Get married in an LDS temple.
2. Have a family.
3. Graduate college with a degree that's medical related.
4. Live in Seattle, WA for one year.
5. Travel to Vina Del Mar, Chile and visit family there.
6. Go to Lava Hot Springs randomly.
7. Drive to Wyoming and buy fireworks.
8. Road trip across the U.S.
9. Visit all 50 states.
10. Go to England.
11. Visit Spain.
12. Change someone's life for the better.
13. Disneyland.
14. Ride Wicked at Lagoon.
15. Own a motorcycle.
16. Have a cat.
17. Name one of my girls Melanie (if possible).
18. Buy a cute outfit in New York.
19. Attend a Broadway show.
20. Watch a surgery.
21. Go star gazing somewhere nice.
22. Have a picnic.
23. Drive a Porsche.
24. Have my life's story made into a book.
25. Write a decent poem.

That's all I can think of for now, but I know I have more things that I've wanted to do. I just hope I remember to write them all down when I think of them. Having a list like this will make for an exciting life. I can only hope that I'll be able to do them all within my lifetime.

Dad's birthday is on the 13th of this month. I feel bad because I can't get him anything because I'm completely broke, but it makes me feel a little better that I was able to get him something for father's day. I'm at least getting him a card though, because cards on birthday's, even if they're hand made are an essential element to have. Maybe I can try to do something for him at home that will make his life a little easier. Or maybe we can all go out together as a family somewhere. We'll see.

Zeke is doing okay. He's really spastic, always running around and finding something to chew on. I tried taking the rock that weighs the bowl down for his water out the other day and he totally spilled it everywhere first chance he got. That rock, I have a feeling, will stay in there forever. He tried running out into the street while Mary was taking him out last night. I was pretty shocked because he has not once tried to do that with me. I guess he just stays around me better than he will with anyone else. Cory and I tired him out last night and played with him in front of the apartment complex. He ended up sleeping for a while. At least until 7am, which is good because I needed to work today.

I didn't end up falling asleep last night until about 3 in the morning. It was ridiculous. I have no idea why I could just close my eyes and sleep, but it will be good for me tonight because I have to try to stay up as late as I can for my night shift tomorrow. Switching around with night and day shifts is tricky business, I tell you. It starts taking its toll on your body after a while. But, I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. It's actually not too bad, I think it just seems worse this week because I've had to start that new medicine and it just makes me feel kind of off.

Muse is coming in September and I NEED tickets. I can't bare to miss this concert! I've heard from many people that they are absolutely amazing live, but I have to see for myself. I will buy tickets at any cost. Okay well not at any cost, but you get the point.

I dyed my hair black. I was getting bored of the red and I haven't had it an actual black for a really long time. So, after a night shift, I ran over to walmart in the morning, bought two box colors that wouldn't completely dry out my hair and went to work. It looks awesome. I've gotten lots and lots of compliments on it, which makes me feel better about doing it myself. I'm shocked it took two box colors though. I didn't realize my hair was so long. But, evidently, it is. I'll have to post a picture of my new hair somewhere. I don't have images of it on this computer.

The Yuba lake campout is coming up! Best part is that I get a huge paycheck the week of so it'll help me prepare for that at least a few days in advance. I'll have to pay a bit of my car insurance because the next paycheck isn't going to be great at all; I'll only have about 12 hours on it. Maybe $100. I can manage with that as long as a plan for it in advance. I'll have to save at least half of this next paycheck. I can do it though, I know I can. I'm going to be a lot smarter with my money now. Especially because I'm going to have to add a phone bill into that sometime soon.

Anyway, I'm super excited for this campout. It's going to be really fun and I'm excited to spend time with Cory's family. We'll have some good times, I'm sure of it. Zeke gets to come, which is awesome because he'll have plenty of space to play. I'm sure he'll enjoy that. Plus, there's water and that dog is definitely one who won't hesitate to swim. Whenever the hose is pulled out he's always trying to bite the water and get soaked. It's fun to watch! :)

This month is going to be a good one!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Shoots, I Scores.

Okay, so not really. When I went shooting, the only thing I could shoot a target with was the AR-15. I feel like I totally got the gun's name wrong. Cory might laugh at me, but oh well.
That gun is scary, but I love it. Even though it makes me look like a tiny doll holding something I shouldn't be. Yep. That's exactly what it looks like.

Well, let me describe my experience my...fourth?...time shooting.

We drove past the hill we originally used to shoot at near Saratoga Springs (I think?) a couple weeks ago and did some minor jeeping to get to an approved spot to shoot. Oh yeah, and Zeke was with us. He did not enjoy the ride one bit. But he tolerated it well toward the end of our route to the destination.
Well, we got all the guns out, and I learned that the pistol I used to like just wasn't that cool to me anymore, so I spiced things up a bit and shot Cory's M9 Beretta. Twice. Because I'm just that awesome, ahhaha I'm totally kidding. I'm still terrified of how that thing shoots. But, I will admit that even though I didn't hit one single orange target I had myself some great fun.
I also shot Ralph's pistol which I also didn't hit anything but dirt with. I'm a terrible shot with pistols, and they're my favorite guns to look sad. :(
But, when I faced my fear and picked up that AR-15, my goodness did I do great! (Yes, I'm bragging.) Personal best...haha I hit 5 out of the 7 targets I believe. I think Cory was a little shocked when I hit the second and then the third.
Anyway, Zeke hated the noise of the bullets firing. He whined most of the time, but I told him he had to get used to it because he would be coming on many more of these escapades. At one point we tried putting some of the ear muff things on him. It got pretty hilarious!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Zeke vs. iPhone

Today, Alex showed me what happens when Zeke sees himself in the camera of an iPhone. Funniest thing I've seen Zeke do so far.
Hope it makes you laugh as much as I did!

Dog Food.

I'm sitting at work again. It's 03:22 in the morning and I'm watching Lost. Cory and I are having this little competition to see who can finish the entire show first. There are six seasons. I'm nearly at the end of the third and so is Cory. I think he's a few episodes ahead of me. Or we might be on the same one now. I'm on episode 17 ("Catch 22"). It's pretty good. I love Desmond--he's probably my favorite character. Claire is actually pretty cool too, even though I didn't really like her at first. Charlie is awesome too. I like all the characters and how well developed they are in this show. It sucks you in!

Zeke and Maggie ran out of dog food today. So they had treats until Alex bought some and gave it to them late at night. I bet they loved eating treats instead of their regular dog food for once, but it was probably a little unhealthy for them. I feel bad that I didn't catch it earlier, and now I know to look for that next time. I think it'd be smart to buy a new bag when the other is half way full, or 1/4 if I want to push it. This bag of food only lasted two weeks! Zeke eats more than a pig. I really hope he doesn't get fat though, because that means his joints will be really bad when he's older.
He's such a cute puppy, even though he's really busy. He doesn't like to sit still at all, and he loves to chew on everything that he can get his mouth around. I found him with my phone in his mouth the other day, oh, and a he also got his paw stuck in a plastic cone, which I have pictures of, of course. It was an occasion where a lot of laughter was involved. He's also gotten himself stuck between a large bucket and the wall. I don't really know how it happened, but we didn't know it happened until he started barking a ton!

Cory got paid this week, so I got spoiled. He took me out to Texas Roadhouse, bought me kit kats and stuff to make tamales, took me out to another movie (Man of Steel this time) and brought me a flower. He made me the best pizza ever, too. :)
I love it when he does things like that for me and makes me feel extremely loved. Even though I feel very loved without all those things anyway, but they're always nice reminders that he likes me around. :P

Last week I went to James and Jordan's Court of Honor. They went from entering into the Boy Scout program to First Class scouts all within a week at scout camp. They worked very hard! Both also earned their shooting merit badges; James used the rifle, and Jordan the shotgun. I've been told that they are two amazing shots!

Life is still just as awesome as it has been, and feels like it's getting even better! Writing makes me feel way good!